~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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what did they predict for last year?

It wasn't that cold here, but the snow in the mtns was incredible

we still have patches of snow in the mtns......

that's absolute crazy talk

This picture was taken 4 days ago:


^ find a winter sport like skiing/snowboarding and you'll learn to appreciate the snow.

Hoping the snow holds off until AFTER I drive thru Zion and from Cedar City to Ft. Collins next month. The fireweed has nearly topped out and the fair is starting today.

It's gonna rain thru the holiday, then could turn colder. Need to finish the fence... Damn auger & wood chipper can't be picked up until Labor Day weekend though...

^ find a winter sport like skiing/snowboarding and you'll learn to appreciate the snow.
I will always find hard to appreciate winter as long as I need big oil to heat my home
I won't argue with that.

Hoping the snow holds off until AFTER I drive thru Zion and from Cedar City to Ft. Collins next month. The fireweed has nearly topped out and the fair is starting today.

It's gonna rain thru the holiday, then could turn colder. Need to finish the fence... Damn auger & wood chipper can't be picked up until Labor Day weekend though...
I thought it always snowed in Alaska.

^ Oh, I can drive to a few spots that still have a nice layer of snow available. Some mountains have it year round; as do the glaciers & Fjords.

The lower elevations won't get it until Construction Season is over...

Cooled down a lot last night. Was in the mid 60's when I left for work this morning - the type of weather I love on my drive to work.

Saturday night we rode bikes to Mexican restaurant to drink.. glad I took a hoodie cause when it is windy here, its F'n chilly...

drinking a pitcher of margaritas then biking about 1.5 mile back to the house in the dark was pretty fun...(on trails not the road)

it snowed in one of the mtns over the weekend.. but its usually not cold here, but when the wind blows here (from where I don't know) it gets F'n cold...

2 degree and no wind is warm where 30 degrees +wind = forgetaboutit.............................

This summer has been a full 10 degrees cooler than years past. Many of the guys on the 14ers website were saying snow/ice on several different peaks this last weekend.

Geeze. And i'm gonna be driving from Vegas to Denver in 3 weeks. This will be interesting.

NO SNOW YET!! It can dump after I make the drive
