~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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I'm not sure if the flatlanders understand the excitement this brings:


According to the fancy thermometer on the car I'm test driving, it was 37 degrees out this morning, with a light drizzle. Something about it caused the car to ding at me and show a snowflake.

According to the fancy thermometer on the car I'm test driving, it was 37 degrees out this morning, with a light drizzle. Something about it caused the car to ding at me and show a snowflake.
Any time the temperature drops to 37* the car will alert you to possible frost/ice on the road. My Camaro does it too. It gets really annoying when driving through the hills and the temp fluctuates between 35 and 40 because it goes off each time. Driving home from work I think the record number of dings because of that was 6 in a 45 minute drive.

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According to the fancy thermometer on the car I'm test driving, it was 37 degrees out this morning, with a light drizzle. Something about it caused the car to ding at me and show a snowflake.
Any time the temperature drops to 37* the car will alert you to possible frost/ice on the road. My Camaro does it too. It gets really annoying when driving through the hills and the temp fluctuates between 35 and 40 because it goes off each time. Driving home from work I think the record number of dings because of that was 6 in a 45 minute drive.
Ya know, my Ford truck isn't scared of a little cold weather. :poking:

But SNIAGRAB is BARGAINS spelled backwards! How could you spend too much money there?

5 people in the family.......adds up quick like. .even when its a bargain ;)

but we got most everybody outfitted for about the same cost as a season rental last year (+ much better gear)

poles, gloves, helmets and goggles were not discounted that much compared to boots and ski's... I can live with used poles from Play it Again sports until next year..

there were people in the Denver store that had flown in from Vermont to buy stuff. it was pretty crazy,,, north face ski jackets for $49 bucks..

rain rain go away. it has been raining nearly non stop since last night about 9PM. There are like 20 minute pockets of no rain from time to time but other than that no relief. Rainy days are days I just want to stay in bed and sleep all day. The fact that is it freezing cold at my desk doesn't help.
