~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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70's late last week, 3" of snow Sunday, 65 today, more snow early Thursday AM.


today is about damn perfect though...

I think I have a head cold cause I am used to having spring pollen and there isnt any here???? Its like Pollen Withdrawel..

But then again, we don't have the humidity to weigh the pollen down enough to actually settle on the cars. It all stays airborne.

I hated pollen season in NE Florida. The worst was when it would rain after the pollen had dropped, and you hadn't picked it up yet. That sh!t gets heavy. I also (not so fondly) remember that my red blazer would be covered with yellow streaks.

I hated pollen season in NE Florida. The worst was when it would rain after the pollen had dropped, and you hadn't picked it up yet. That sh!t gets heavy. I also (not so fondly) remember that my red blazer would be covered with yellow streaks.

and this is what happened after last nights rain, so this morning, when the temp was only 30 degrees, we had yellow streaked ice all over everything

Send some of that cold air this way. You can have it back when my AC gets fixed.

Just spent 45 minutes in the elevator lobby while we had a tornado watch within a few miles of the building. Definitely eerie out this morning, unusually light out, sky was completely orange, followed by pitch black storm clouds and killer winds.

It was heading northeast. Not sure where it went. We got hellacious rain and some thunderstorms, but not much else.

oh come on weather....all day they have been report 75-90 % chance of rain this evening...now they are saying 0-10%...if only we could be so wrong in our jobs on such a consistent basis and still have a job
