The Running Thread

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Eleven mile training run done in the pitch black Saturday. My current schedule shows a 12 mile run for this Saturday and then seven days of taper. I'm going to see how I feel Saturday before I commit to that distance. I have never had a training plan that called for more than 10 miles on a long run, but this has been pretty okay. 

When my alarm went off yesterday morning, I briefly entertained the idea of not running the race because I'd rather sleep. Then I said, wtf leggo, you paid good money for this and are gonna see at least one friend.

So off I went! Ran the race without any real issue. My lack of training showed up in the form of my legs getting pretty tired at the hill that started in mile 10, and never quite recovering after that.

I still ended up with a very respectable time under 1:54, so I'll take it!

One of these days, I'll fully commit to a training plan and be super prepared to run that 1:45. It seems like a big drop from 1:54, but I didn't train a lick for this race. One five mile run a week was about as much as I did.

No races now until January, when I have the Hot Chocolate 15k.

When my alarm went off yesterday morning, I briefly entertained the idea of not running the race because I'd rather sleep. Then I said, wtf leggo, you paid good money for this and are gonna see at least one friend.

So off I went! Ran the race without any real issue. My lack of training showed up in the form of my legs getting pretty tired at the hill that started in mile 10, and never quite recovering after that.

I still ended up with a very respectable time under 1:54, so I'll take it!

One of these days, I'll fully commit to a training plan and be super prepared to run that 1:45. It seems like a big drop from 1:54, but I didn't train a lick for this race. One five mile run a week was about as much as I did.

No races now until January, when I have the Hot Chocolate 15k.
Way to go!! I survived my triathlon. Next time I will devote some more time to swim training. Apparently 1 hour isn't enough. Bike and run went great though. I'll for sure be doing another one. 

Way to go!! I survived my triathlon. Next time I will devote some more time to swim training. Apparently 1 hour isn't enough. Bike and run went great though. I'll for sure be doing another one. 
Great job!

Still gotta get myself into a tri one of these days... But I'm not really a seasoned swimmer at all. And I have a big running goal and more long bike rides I want to go on first!

When my alarm went off yesterday morning, I briefly entertained the idea of not running the race because I'd rather sleep. Then I said, wtf leggo, you paid good money for this and are gonna see at least one friend.

So off I went! Ran the race without any real issue. My lack of training showed up in the form of my legs getting pretty tired at the hill that started in mile 10, and never quite recovering after that.

I still ended up with a very respectable time under 1:54, so I'll take it!

One of these days, I'll fully commit to a training plan and be super prepared to run that 1:45. It seems like a big drop from 1:54, but I didn't train a lick for this race. One five mile run a week was about as much as I did.

No races now until January, when I have the Hot Chocolate 15k.
Congratulations! That's a great time!

Way to go!! I survived my triathlon. Next time I will devote some more time to swim training. Apparently 1 hour isn't enough. Bike and run went great though. I'll for sure be doing another one. 
You and I team up on Tri relays.  I'll swim and then drink a beer or two to ya on the shitty portions of the Tri.

Way to go!! I survived my triathlon. Next time I will devote some more time to swim training. Apparently 1 hour isn't enough. Bike and run went great though. I'll for sure be doing another one. 
Congrats! What did you end up with overall time for everything? I actually did quite well on the swim portion. But then again, I live very close to Lake Michigan. Very good for open water training. :)

Congrats! What did you end up with overall time for everything? I actually did quite well on the swim portion. But then again, I live very close to Lake Michigan. Very good for open water training. :)
I ended up with a 2:10 which I really wanted to be under 2 hrs. The swim got me and I had a really long 2nd transition (like 10 min). There was an accident in the transition area and some lady knocked down like 20 bikes so everybody in there at the time stopped to help. 

I really wish there was one coming up sooner. I bet I could shave 15 min off just knowing what I know now. 

I ended up with a 2:10 which I really wanted to be under 2 hrs. The swim got me and I had a really long 2nd transition (like 10 min). There was an accident in the transition area and some lady knocked down like 20 bikes so everybody in there at the time stopped to help. 

I really wish there was one coming up sooner. I bet I could shave 15 min off just knowing what I know now. 
Not bad at all! What I liked about it was the overall experience between events. I had planned to take all these transition clinics, coaching events, etc. But just ran out of time with work and the actual training for the event. So in true engineering form, I crammed by watching a number of different YouTube videos on transition tips and tricks the night before. So I had a pretty good feel for what I planned to do the day of. Ended up with a chip time of 1:55 so I was pretty happy with that.

This is the event I'm competing in this weekend:

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Not bad at all! What I liked about it was the overall experience between events. I had planned to take all these transition clinics, coaching events, etc. But just ran out of time with work and the actual training for the event. So in true engineering form, I crammed by watching a number of different YouTube videos on transition tips and tricks. So I had a pretty good feel for what I planned to do the day of. Ended up with a chip time of 1:55 so I was pretty happy with that.

This is the event I'm competing in this weekend:
Good luck! Let us know how it goes. I'm signing up for my hometown sprint tri next May but hope to find one a little sooner. 

Good luck! Let us know how it goes. I'm signing up for my hometown sprint tri next May but hope to find one a little sooner. 
Well I finished the event this past weekend. But wow, it seemed about 10x harder than the first one I did. I completely underestimated all the elevation gain of this particular location. I realize being in the midwest that the "elevation" is still laughable to you westerners, but some of those inclines were killer! Saw a lot of people tossing their cookies and just getting off their bikes to walk. But I powered through it! And somehow, I even shaved over 3 min. off my swim time and over 2 min. off my run time. Both of which are usually my worst events. I ended up with a 9 min swim and a 28 min run. But the steep hills killed my bike time (transitions at 3 min & 1.5 min). On the descent, I topped out at just over 35mph so we were bookin' it! Still ended up with an overall chip time of 1:57 (previous was 1:55) though so I'm pretty happy with that. It was tough as hell but a heck of a way to end triathlon season! :thumbs:


Well I finished the event this past weekend. But wow, it seemed about 10x harder than the first one I did. I completely underestimated all the elevation gain of this particular location. I realize being in the midwest that the "elevation" is still laughable to you westerners, but some of those inclines were killer! Saw a lot of people tossing their cookies and just getting off their bikes to walk. But I powered through it! And somehow, I even shaved over 3 min. off my swim time and over 2 min. off my run time. Both of which are usually my worst events. I ended up with a 9 min swim and a 28 min run. But the steep hills killed my bike time (transitions at 3 min & 1.5 min). On the descent, I topped out at just over 35mph so we were bookin' it! Still ended up with an overall chip time of 1:57 (previous was 1:55) though so I'm pretty happy with that. It was tough as hell but a heck of a way to end triathlon season! :thumbs:

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Nice!! Yeah that elevation change would have killed me. Where i'm from we have to go out of our way just to find a hill so we can say we did some climbs lol. Times looked awesome though. At 35 mph I would have been riding those brakes. Good one to end the season on.

I'm going to try and stick to my workouts through the off season instead of just working on my winter coat like I usually do. Looking at ordering a bike trainer this week. Daylight savings pretty much puts and end to outdoor rides after work. Still reluctant to join a gym just for the pool but we'll see. 

At 35 mph I would have been riding those brakes.  
There's a wicked steep hill by my house (I only average about 7 mph going up it) that I once hit 40 mph going down.  It was pretty effin' scary.  I haven't reset the max speed on my trip computer since that ride (probably 5 years ago).

There's a wicked steep hill by my house (I only average about 7 mph going up it) that I once hit 40 mph going down.  It was pretty effin' scary.  I haven't reset the max speed on my trip computer since that ride (probably 5 years ago).
I just went and checked my garmin from my tri and I maxed out at 27 mph. Shows what kind of hills we are working with here lol.

added fudgy just for the run / walk part ;)
I figured so. At the beginning of the race, I made sure to line up with the proper pace group and then during the race get to the side when it was time to walk. As the crowd sifted out, we found ourselves with several other people doing the same. There were a few we kept going back and forth with, so much so that the one lady said, "I should just switch to your interval!" We definitely weren't holding up any world class runners like RG. 
