The Running Thread

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I agree!  That's a pretty good time for a walk-run. 

Now that you guys have bitched about it, I can't keep thinking about the walk-run complaint as I am walk-running my way through the back-to-running program. This week has been 4 minutes run, 2 minutes walk. And it's going pretty good, although I don't think the injury is completely gone...
Really it's only one guy. Just because he runs the place, don't let him get you down. 

Couch to 5K is a joke – I mean if you cannot find a way to run 3 miles then you should just sit down and eat another tub of ice cream and blame being fat on your thyroid condition!

& I only hate this run / walk method if I am in a long distance event (1/2 marathon or more) and get stuck next to one of these people –  don’t mind so much for just normal “training / exercise”

Couch to 5k is a great program. I have used it to get several friends running and my wife running on several occasions. I have personally used it to successfully recover from injuries on at least 3 occasions (after proper time to allow healing).

Saturday's run is 11 miles, but have to be a kid's football game that's two hours away, so looks like it'll be an O'Dark Thirty run. 

Good luck, @Jbone27 PE!

I've got a half on Sunday. Should be fun! Didn't train as much as I should have, unfortunately, so I don't expect to set a new PR, but that's okay.
I'll say it again:
