The Running Thread

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if you are on a bike you should be able to keep one of those battery backup chargers somehweres? - I throw one in my backpack on long hikes - the GPS on the Fenix5 can eat up some battery life but have never tested it more than around 8 hours
The 935 is lowbrow Fenix. 

The woman I share a home with has the 935 - it’s solid I just wanted the hiking features

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Tried my first ever long run using the Galloway method this morning and I definitely saw an increase in pace. The struggle I have is it would make me one of "those" people in a race and I don't know if it's worth it. Do I just put a "this vehicle makes frequent stops" sign on my back? 

those annoying people that run 7 minutes, walk 2, run 7, walk 2 etc, (or something similar)

those annoying people that run 7 minutes, walk 2, run 7, walk 2 etc, (or something similar)
Isn't that just another version of interval training?   In track we had to run a set fast pace for a few laps, then jog or walk a lap, then repeat many times.   It definintely increases speed, but a hell of a workout. 

That's what I was thinking, but I have also instinctively pulled versions of it like these guys are mentioning, to help get through longer runs, but without ever knowing it had a name. 

No it’s not interval training, there’s no speed associated with it, basically whenever I run a full marathon or half marathon I get stuck next to one of these people for at least 30 minutes where are you passed them running a steady pace and then they passed you running a little bit faster and then they stop and walk, you pass them repeat etc. until you end up pushing them down into a ditch

No it’s not interval training, there’s no speed associated with it, basically whenever I run a full marathon or half marathon I get stuck next to one of these people for at least 30 minutes where are you passed them running a steady pace and then they passed you running a little bit faster and then they stop and walk, you pass them repeat etc. until you end up pushing them down into a ditch
Your fault for running a marathon in the first place.

No it’s not interval training, there’s no speed associated with it, basically whenever I run a full marathon or half marathon I get stuck next to one of these people for at least 30 minutes where are you passed them running a steady pace and then they passed you running a little bit faster and then they stop and walk, you pass them repeat etc. until you end up pushing them down into a ditch
Note to self- do not do this near RG. 

They tend to drive me nuts as well when I'm running a steady pace. It's happened more than once that I've been using them as a carrot to pass and then they run and then they walk and I can't catch up. Though, to be fair, I don't know that I've ever seen anyone doing this on an actual interval. I feel like I just always seem to catch up to people who find me to be an unacceptable person to be passed by and then they start running again. 

During the marathon we did there was a race walker that we leap frogged a bit. He was waiting for us at the finish line to high five us, even though the three of us had never spoken. I appreciated that...then I promptly wondered what I had just done to my body. 

Did the run-walk at the race this weekend. Turns out there were a few of us on the edges of the road, judging by similar behavior and the GPS beeps. Ended up finishing the 10K in 1:11:51. I maybe, possibly could have gone a little faster, but didn't. I felt like I'd gone all out when I finished the race. 

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Did the run-walk at the race this weekend. Turns out there were a few of us on the edges of the road, judging by similar behavior and the GPS beeps. Ended up finishing the 10K in 1:11:51. I maybe, possibly could have gone a little faster, but didn't. I felt like I'd gone all out when I finished the race. 
I'm just glad you went with the plaid shorts.

And got some good boning.

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Nicely done, @csb
I agree!  That's a pretty good time for a walk-run. 

Now that you guys have bitched about it, I can't keep thinking about the walk-run complaint as I am walk-running my way through the back-to-running program. This week has been 4 minutes run, 2 minutes walk. And it's going pretty good, although I don't think the injury is completely gone...
