The Pet Thread

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Feel so bad for my poor coworker's daughter.  They've lost two dogs in two weeks.  The first one ran away while they were away on vacation and never came back (spooked by neighbors fireworks on the 4th and jumped a 6 foot fence after leaving through the doggie door).  The other is 14 and was in liver failure, and just refused to get up or move at all today.  Mobile vet was coming at 3 to put him down at 14 years old.  Poor kids (2 and 10) kept holding out hope that #1 would come back, and will be coming home from school/pre-K only to see crying parents/grandparents with #2 gone 😢

Feel so bad for my poor coworker's daughter.  They've lost two dogs in two weeks.  The first one ran away while they were away on vacation and never came back (spooked by neighbors fireworks on the 4th and jumped a 6 foot fence after leaving through the doggie door).  The other is 14 and was in liver failure, and just refused to get up or move at all today.  Mobile vet was coming at 3 to put him down at 14 years old.  Poor kids (2 and 10) kept holding out hope that #1 would come back, and will be coming home from school/pre-K only to see crying parents/grandparents with #2 gone 😢
Oh my gosh.  I can't imagine what they're going through, heartbreaking on both accounts.  What kind of dog was it to clear a 6 ft fence? :(  

My little dachshund woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.  Woke me up twice early morning to use the bathroom.  My husband flew home today, grabbed some coffee, and was about to relax when my dog knocked the coffee over.  The coffee spilled all over my husband's new books 😂

Oh my gosh.  I can't imagine what they're going through, heartbreaking on both accounts.  What kind of dog was it to clear a 6 ft fence? :(  
A small pit mix.  Just freaked out enough that it developed superhuman jumping abilities I guess.  

Feel terrible for the one that's just been put down too.  Such a sweet dog.  Once he trusted you, he would lay across your feet so you couldn't move and had to rub his belly.  As his liver failed, he just flat refused to eat, and lost somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 pounds.  He wouldn't even eat people food, but would still wag when the family came home or was around.  This morning he just refused to budge an inch, and it was time.

A small pit mix.  Just freaked out enough that it developed superhuman jumping abilities I guess.  
4th of July is the #1 day for pet runaways. People really do underestimate how much their fireworks stress out their pets.  I hope their dog is found and returned safely.


14 is a pretty good life but you hate to see them go.  I guess those little kids have never known life without him.  Very sad.  I hope they find the younger dog (or he returns).

My dogs both are terrified of fireworks, though one less so than the other.  Ursala seems to be OK at just sleeping and blowing them off, but poor Annie will practically lay on you and bury her face, and trembles for hours on end.  Thankfully they have less than zero interest in going outside - they'd much rather hide under the desk or in the closet.

I almost lost my german shepard mix when he was about 2 years old due to taking him to a 4th of July celebration. Thank goodness I had a good grip on his leash, because he almost pulled me out of my chair when the fireworks started. He was terrified of storms and fireworks from that day forward. The good thing with him is that he would get in the bathtub anytime he heard a storm or fireworks and that would keep him calm. My beagle is also terrified of storms and fireworks, but he's pretty much deaf now so he can't hear them anymore. 

@knight1fox3, do I remember correctly that you have some sort of self-refilling food and water bowls for your kitty? If so, what one do you have? I am interested in getting one of each for our kitty, but all the research I've done has still lead me to mixed reviews.

@knight1fox3, do I remember correctly that you have some sort of self-refilling food and water bowls for your kitty? If so, what one do you have? I am interested in getting one of each for our kitty, but all the research I've done has still lead me to mixed reviews.
Indeed. Pretty much have stayed with the same manufacturer (Le Bistro), but as they put out "upgrades", the design seems to trend more toward flawed than fixed. This is the model that I really liked save for the color. It's been working solid the past 7 or 8 years. When we got the new kitty, we went to look for the latest model and this one has problems. The hopper is much smaller, the lid is a royal pain to secure and pops off if tipped over (huge mess), and I wish the removable dish were actually fixed. Because kitty will paw at it until misc. food pieces come out. This dislodges the removable dish and eventually the food starts piling up behind/beneath it (if that makes sense). So if you can still get the previous version, I'd go with that. You'll want to stock some "D" size batteries too (each takes 3). As for water, you can get those at the local pet store. They look like a larger version of a human water dispenser (LOL). The reason we don't use that is the cats would try to play with it by pawing water out so it would make the "glug glug" sound. Came home to a few messes that way so we just use a standard bowl for that and fill as needed. YMMV :thumbs:

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Nothing wrong with toilet water. It meets all EPA Safe Drinking Water Standards.

When it enters the bowl.

Only issue with the toilet option is that it is not a self-refilling option.  Our dogs actually drank the main bathroom dry when we went on a longer vacation.

@knight1fox3, do I remember correctly that you have some sort of self-refilling food and water bowls for your kitty? If so, what one do you have? I am interested in getting one of each for our kitty, but all the research I've done has still lead me to mixed reviews.

We've got one of these too, but I'll have to remember to check what brand/model it is.  Only issue we've had with it is if you overfill it, the food can get clogged and nothing is dispensed.  But that's only happened once or twice.  It holds enough to feed the two cats for about 5 days.  If for some reason it clogged while we were gone, they would survive long enough until someone checked on it.

Nothing wrong with toilet water. It meets all EPA Safe Drinking Water Standards.

When it enters the bowl.
It's not about whether it's good or bad for the kitty in our house. It's more about not spreading germs when the toilet gets flushed.
