The Pet Thread

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that's what I am looking for is cheap land, I can get 8 months of CM work in the mountains and be a liftee in the winter months.. or some place cold with little people.. but yes in 4 years when I am kidless
They will be back!!


Anyone else's dogs going batshit crazy now that the cooler weather is moving in?  Mine both have a bug up their butt and are bouncing around the house and wanting to run in the yard constantly.

Mine sure has, she forgot how to go for a walk without losing her damn mind.

Be sure to keep your Halloween candy out of pets reach.  I don't know where/how she got it, but Annie must have gotten into what appeared to be a bag of skittles based on the visible remnants.  I woke up to the sound of retching and 4 puddles of puke in the bedroom this morning at about 4:30.

Was the puke a rainbow?

Our neighborhood does "Boo-ing". Week or two before Halloween, people will put together little baskets and leave them on doorsteps, ring the doorbell and run. When you get one, you've been Booed. You put the little "We've Been Booed" sign that comes in the basket on the front door (so you don't get Booed again) and now it's your turn to Boo someone else. When we got Booed, I was upstairs getting one of the boys out of the shower. Came downstairs to the dog outside on the front porch eating a bag of M&M's.

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That's when you leave the house and pretend you didn't see a thing.

No, because that's when TFMS will leave the house and pretend she didn't see a thing.

This is about pets right?!

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Damn firewall. I can't see the video. But considering it's from RG, it might not be office appropriate anyway.
