The Baking Thread

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Blood orange chocolate olive oil cake with blood orange citrus syrup:


I'm not normally a chocolate orange person, but this is freaking delicious.

Pictured on the edge are the cake baked as cupcakes, without the citrus syrup. Also quite yummy!

I baked this weekend!


A silly sideways (how the HECK do I rotate photos on here when uploading and posting on my phone?? Using chrome browser...) Lemon yogurt cake that was fantastic with the accompanying lemon lime curd I made (curd is a lot of work but very worth it as it was so, so delicious).

I also made two loaves of sourdough bread... This is what they looked like before baking:



I was very uninspired (well, rather I didn't have any specific ideas) when I was about to score them, but like the designs I came up with on the fly!

I texted my husband this picture yesterday...


And that was before I made 3 dozen of the best chocolate cookies ever. Also, if you're wondering, the dough on the cutting boards is sourdough pizza dough a la Mr. Leggo (shaped by me).

I have Peter Reinharts super sprout bread rising rn (recipe on KAF). Had enough left of my sprouted wheat flour to make this which was the driving factor. I actually ended up throwing out about 1/3c of it since its all I had left. And I bought the 2lb bag in summer 2018. So yeah, we'll see how it tastes

We can't find flour (in stores or on line).  Well, except gluten free.

I want to bake, but I also know I shouldn't be bringing in communal food to the office.  If I bake it will be too much for me to eat.

Going to start looking into 'single or double portion bakes', which might be more interesting to test out flavors since a smaller amount will make a bigger difference.

you can also freeze things. Like cookie dough already scooped up. same with scones & certain biscuits. muffins & cupcakes freeze well too.

i just don't have room in my freezer. and made shepards pie & tomato soup... 
