The Baking Thread

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Must be boxfish instead of goldfish.

the first time i made these, i used a flower shaped cookie cutter and it was a PITA so I went lazy and just cut squares.

they'e already gone.

i might make more tonight.

i used the 50% reduced fat cabot cheddar for these since that's what I did last time but I think they changed the formula so it was v crumbly. i'm gonna go back to the full fat for the next batch(es).

I made more bread. Same dough as before (literal same batch of dough). Didnt rise a lot (i think it's how I store it in the fridge). But cuts are better and it's darker.

Once my oven was preheated (475F instead of the recipes 450F), i started a timer for 25min (cocette was in the oven as it preheated). Baked with lid on for 30min and 7min with lid off.

This proved for over an hour on parchment paper in front of the vent for the heat pump


For reference, I always preheat my oven at 500 degrees for an hour (with my dutch oven in it) before transferring my dough in to bake. When the dough is transferred in, I immediately turn the temperature down to wherever I'm starting my bake at (usually 450 degrees). Lately, I've kept the dough covered for 25 min at 450, then uncovered for 10 min at 450, then 10-15 min at 425. I end up with color similar to this: 


In other, no sourdough baking news...

I made Alison Roman's overnight focaccia, tonight, for the NFC championship game this past Sunday:


I also made sourdough quiches on Monday, which used discard starter for flavor in the dough. So, so good! I don't have a good photo though. I also majorly overfilled the quiches and some of them exploded, which was pretty entertaining to see the results of, and also quite delectable.

I made bread 😂😂😂

Left out to raise for like 3hours. Preheated the pan the same as last night. 


Lololololol, my landlord just sent me a picture saying the bake element is working and that when he set the temp to 550, it read higher than that.  He then sent me a pic of the oven thermometer I bought on the floor of the oven DIRECTLY NEXT TO THE HEATING ELEMENT.

I literally responded, "The heat of the actual bake rack, where stuff is cooked, doesn't reach the correct temp.  When I heated the oven to 500, the actual bake temp shown on the middle rack was around 425.  I don't know if that means the temp isn't being circulated."

Like, of course the temperature is going to be really high next to a heating element (even if it is broken), but that doesn't help that a <10" distance from that results in an over 50-degree drop and none of my stuff is getting cooked all the way.

Where is the thermocouple that controls the oven?  Seems like that’s what the setting is based on.  If you want the set point based on the middle rack, then put your thermometer on the rack and increase the set point until you get your target temp at your thermometer location. If the element gets up to 550 then it sounds like it’s working to me.

I did a little research and it sounds like some ovens also cycle the top element when baking.  Try putting the oven on broil and see if the top element works.  If not, then that might be the problem.

Nah, top element def works (it's why my pizza was getting almost burnt on top, but the bottom remained ultra pale).  @MA_PE, I was thinking of trying to find the thermocouple/the internal thermometer and seeing if I could move it around.  I'm going to play around with the rack I bake on, but also see if I can adjust the temp manually (I think the oven manual said I can adjust up to 35-degrees hotter or cooler)?  I'm going to do a biscuit recipe to see.

What’s the make and model # of your stove.  It’s been my experience that electric burners either work or they don’t.  When on full they should glow red.  I believe the check for an element is resistance.  Should be an easy thing to check.  The thermocouple should be pretty obvious.  like a probe hanging on the wall inside.

Agree with MA_PE that elements typically don't just partially work--they either work or they don't.  If the temperature isn't regulated right I would suspect the thermocouple itself, or the control circuit that turns the element on and off.

Here's an except from your range's manual.  Perhaps your thermostat is just adjusted incorrectly.


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ive used repair clinic for appliance parts before.  Searching on jsp31 brings up a number of variations not sure what the difference is.  Sometimes it’s just the finish color.  Anyway they show an oven sensor for $75.  There are videos online on how to locate and change it.  It appears to be located in the top rear and is replaced/accessed from the back of the stove.  Have fun.   I’d try adjusting it first.  You might also clean the existing one.

I made sourdough brioche!


I also baked some apple muffins:


And I have some more dough in the fridge to make sourdough brioche cinnamon rolls either tonight or tomorrow night...
