The Baking Thread

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Make sourdough pretzels! That's my favorite thing to do with cold sourdough discard! I can send you the recipe I use, if you'd like.

Make sourdough pretzels! That's my favorite thing to do with cold sourdough discard! I can send you the recipe I use, if you'd like.
yes please

Make some sourdough pie dough! You mainly use it for flavoring. Make a big batch, divide it up into servings for a pie, a whole quiche, or muffin quiches, and freeze in blocks!
is there a recipe for this too? 

i made a double batch of discard biscuits. i have enough for another double batch lol

But @JayKay PE, why is it sad? IT LOOKS SO GOOD!
Sad = I thought it was going to rise more/be larger based on the recipe (the recipe actually called for a larger pan and I'm happy I stuck to my normal, 1 lb USA-Pan loaf).

On that thought, I do need to try and get more USA-Pan bakeware.  That loaf pan has always baked things so beautifully and I think they might be my go-to from now on.

Also.  I made espresso brownies last night for super bowl.  Still trying to figure out the new temps I programmed into the oven.  Baked a batch in a 9x13" glass pan, forgot to drop the temp by 25, so the outsides were firmer than I would have liked and it took a bit longer to bake through the middle.

I made these over the weekend. They are beyond fantastic:


It's amazing what a few high quality ingredients can do! In this case, it was mainly just good quality cocoa powder and high quality dark chocolate.

The begging question is how many are left??
I shared them at the super bowl party I hosted... There were 48 to start, and I think there are maybe a dozen leftover? To be fair, there was also a dutch apple pie that some friends brought.

You're reminded, once again, that you are a baker when you type "loaf" instead of "load" in your calculations package...

Missed opportunity of the could have made 49 of those for the Super Bowl party.
Well, the recipe was only supposed to make 24 and all I did was add 1/2 c finely chopped hazelnuts... I wasn't sure how many it actually made until I counted them out after they baked, as I lost count doing only one pan at a time in the oven...

But yes, missed opportunity nonetheless!

@LyceeFruit PE, uh, those are better than normal thin mints because they have star sprinkles.  Everyone knows star sprinkles are top tier.
The recipe did actually call for sprinkles so I went with stars & finally finished a jar of sprinkles!

I would totally make these again but add more mint. I added 1/2t but could have added the full 1t the recipe called for.

The blogger also has other versions of these cookies on their site. I might try them with orange extract instead of mint nom

The recipe did actually call for sprinkles so I went with stars & finally finished a jar of sprinkles!

I would totally make these again but add more mint. I added 1/2t but could have added the full 1t the recipe called for.

The blogger also has other versions of these cookies on their site. I might try them with orange extract instead of mint nom
Yay!  I actually used way more sprinkles than I expected this last holiday season when I made my batch of cookies with the frosting.

Yeah, with extracts, I get why you'd be leery of adding less instead of more (I've had some recipes that I use oil instead of extract and it's something like 1/2 tsp for over 6c of flour in the recipe and you can still taste it), but mint itself isn't ultra-ultra powerful.  It's peppermint that I've always had trouble with balancing since the extracts tend to taste metallic-like when I've accidentally over-poured?  ORANGE + MINT = THE NUMBER ONE COMBO.

@JayKay PE also my extract was also expired but I'm still alive so i'm not gonna worry about it...

and I meant orange instead of the mint so it tastes like those chocolate oranges you can get at Christmas... 

I still have a lot of sprinkles. I almost went with Christmas sprinkles but it was one of those containers with 6 compartments so even if I emptied 1, i'd have 3 more to go. but picking stars meant one whole jar got recycled last night. 

when Boyfriend is back in the office, I think I'll make cupcakes to send with him and get rid of more sprinkles lol 

"Are these the cookies that taste like when you forget you just brushed your teeth and drink orange juice?" 
Lol, I assumed it was going to be the chocolate cookie, but with these added.

As for the OJ + toothpaste combo...that never seemed that bad to me?  Idk.
