The Baking Thread

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@leggo PE angled spatula and patience. I was too lazy to do a rub down with wax or parment paper (which I've done previously).

This is the recipe:

1 cup Crisco

1c butter

cream together til fluffy (so buttah should be soft)

2lb powdered sugar

2t vanilla extract

4T milk (dairy or non-dairy works, I used almond milk)


Mini oreo cheesecakes

Also finally baked off the dough for the salted chocolate chunk shortbread. And made another batch of discard sourdough biscuits


Made poppy seed roll and anise cookies! Anise cookies are still firming up; I’ll bake and frost them later tonight. Poppy seed roll...I like the recipe I have/it tastes amazing, but I always get blow out from having to roll the dough into a 12”x16” rectangle (which I think is really pushing the dough elasticity). I think I’m going to research some other roll recipes and see what they have for the dough, maybe play around with it. I think I might try and bake once a week as a New Years resolution. Maybe every Tuesday or something like that. 





@leggo PE I'm trying to branch away from SK recipes only because the addiction is real lol.

I love many of Deb's recipes but I should spread the baking love! lol 

I have no problem spreading the baking love, haha. But man, I made her unfussy sugar cookies the other day, and while they ended up being fussy (rolling them out between parchment paper did NOT work for me) and they were so tasty!

So much for my SK break 🤷🏻‍♀️

Buttermilk biscuits because I have leftover buttermilk from the chicken. Have about 1.75c left and taking suggestions


One of JK’s 2020 resolutions: bake or cook one new thing a week. My sister got me two cookbooks (America’s Test Kitchen 20th anniversary and a dessert only cookbook called “sweet cravings”) and I want to start getting myself on a schedule to try new things. 

Also need to copy the recipes I recently did (and edited) into my cookbook before I forget the variations I did. 

I baked my first sourdough loaves of the new year and decade yesterday. I did a 70% bread flour, 20% whole wheat, 10% rye flour, 87% hydration, 2.5% salt dough.

I wanted to see how adding rye flour into the dough would affect the flavor. It definitely gave the bread more depth in flavor and a more sour taste. It was an interesting experiment, but I think I will stick with adding either durum or spelt for a slightly sweeter loaf that is still on the sour side due to fridge retardation.

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So I attempted these:

When I mixed the sourdough starter with the dough, I couldn't get it all to mix in. I did it by hand. And let it sit for 24hours. I was able to get a bit more mixed in at 24 hgours. And then when I poured the wet ingredients over (I did it all at once tbh), I was struggling to get it mixed (also by hand). The starter/flour mix felt like it had hardened and thats why I had dumped it all in at once. The liquids helped soften it a bit but I wasn't able to get a non-chunky batter - there were large chunks of starter/flour mix. It kind of looked like vomit tbh.

I'm going to get more bananas and try again. And I realized that I had been overfeeding my starter with flour. The KAF instructions are 1/2c flour, water, starter. And I weighed out the flour and starter (because I don't like using measuring cups and I can't get a measuring cup into my mason jar). Well I was going way heavy on the flour, almost a full cup of flour. So I fixed that for the jar of starter I feed that night (I currently have 3 jars: 2 fed and one is discard). 

So I've already failed my baking resolution (a new recipe a week), which I am chalking up to having a faulty oven that I'm a little scared of putting anything in.

Does anyone have fun stove top/no bake recipes I can try?  I think I might make peanut butter oatmeal bars tonight, but I don't have an 8x8 glass dish (I def forget it at my parents when I moved).  Also, I have a ton of walnuts that I bought at TJ last year when I was doing some hazelnut stuff (and I figured I might as well buy them as well).  I might actually attempt candied walnuts this weekend (but I am def going to look into recipes). 

I want to get more into candy making again.  When I was really little my mom always did chocolate molds for major holidays, making the white lamb for Easter and the heart lollipops for Valentines, and my fondest memories were going to the specialty chocolate supply store that somehow had established itself in our small town and seeing all the different colors of chocolate in disc form.  Does anyone have any semi-easy recipes to attempt?

So I've already failed my baking resolution (a new recipe a week), which I am chalking up to having a faulty oven that I'm a little scared of putting anything in.

Does anyone have fun stove top/no bake recipes I can try?  I think I might make peanut butter oatmeal bars tonight, but I don't have an 8x8 glass dish (I def forget it at my parents when I moved).  Also, I have a ton of walnuts that I bought at TJ last year when I was doing some hazelnut stuff (and I figured I might as well buy them as well).  I might actually attempt candied walnuts this weekend (but I am def going to look into recipes). 

I want to get more into candy making again.  When I was really little my mom always did chocolate molds for major holidays, making the white lamb for Easter and the heart lollipops for Valentines, and my fondest memories were going to the specialty chocolate supply store that somehow had established itself in our small town and seeing all the different colors of chocolate in disc form.  Does anyone have any semi-easy recipes to attempt? (or someone else's version of these)

can look at no-bake energy balls, no-bake cheesecake.

if you have a toaster oven, you could do small batch things... (or someone else's version of these)

can look at no-bake energy balls, no-bake cheesecake.

if you have a toaster oven, you could do small batch things... 
I totally forgot about buckeyes!!!  And I really want to try this recipe since I do have a thing of cream cheese that was opened for bagels/not used all the way!  Thank you, my dear!  Now I just need to grab some graham crackers (maybe I'll do that tonight after I leave the gym, swing by Walmart to grab another 8x8 and some other tiny things I need).

My online sourdough pastry course starts on Monday! It's totally at your own pace, and I have access to the material/classes/etc. forever. In it, I'll learn how to make sourdough brioche, croissants, and danishes. I'm particularly excited for the lessons in croissants, but I've never made anything like any of those, so I'm excited for all of it!
