The Baking Thread

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I made this one:

Because I had some apples I needed to use. I skipped the sugar on top. Maybe there wasn't enough honey? And I don't know, it was okay when there was apple in a bite but the dough itself wasn't sweet enough for my taste and relatively bland.

I did egg wash it, but definitely overbaked it a little bit because the bottom was a bit overdone (not burnt, but overdone). The top rest of the crust was thick and tough in that regard. I might have overproved it a bit.
Just looking at that recipe based on the one I use: a bit more oil (I use like 2 tbsp, maybe), mine calls for one egg + 2 yolks and waaaaay more total flour.  Mine starts at 4.5 cups but I usually end close to 5.5 after I've mixed in/made the consistency closer to what I want.

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Pie pics for everyone! Def should have blind baked the crust/let the crust get cold again before baking (would prob have prevented the side shrinkage and kept my crimp), and I’m hoping I don’t have a soggy, uncooked, bottom below. Also wondering how the crust is going to taste. 

Overall, pretty happy with how this came out since I have only made one other pie before this (I make crumbles specifically so I don’t have to do pie). Worried a bit that I overbaked the filling (I used a 9.5-inch instead of the standard 9-inch, and reduced the bake time by approx 10% but it still seem very loose, so I left it in for another 6min). 





Ugggggggh.  I've gone down a par-bake/blind bake spiral.  Trying to figure out if I should do 350F for an hour, which I think full bakes, or switch to the more traditional 425F for like 15 min?  The method I like to use is 400F 15min (pie weights) + 8 or 15 minutes w/o weights + docking to determine if it's par or full baked.  I just par baking most of my custard or fruit pies instead of full baking, so it can be baked a little further by the filling.


Interesting--there is a citation from the Battle Creek Enquirer, which is only about 30 miles from my house.  But I've never heard the term before.
My dad is from Ohio, my mom from New Jersey, and we live in a town with an AFB, so who knows why I know the term. As a personal preference, I like the way carry-in sounds as opposed to potluck, but that has everything to do with how I feel about consonant sounds and that potluck reminds me ever so slightly of portapottie. 

And yes, I'm weird. 

And, @JayKay PE- no one in the Midwest will ever say anything out loud about food at an office gathering being gross. 


And, @JayKay PE- no one in the Midwest will ever say anything out loud about food at an office gathering being gross. 

*pic snip*
I think if it's smothered with enough whipped cream, it'll be fine (this is me just being over dramatic).  The crust itself tasted really good before being baked, so if it's a little soggy I won't worry too much about anyone saying they don't like it.  I do need to use the other crust though, and soon.  Maybe I'll make a French Silk Pie.  Or just freeze it so I can make something with it later.

Ugggggggh.  I've gone down a par-bake/blind bake spiral.  Trying to figure out if I should do 350F for an hour, which I think full bakes, or switch to the more traditional 425F for like 15 min?  The method I like to use is 400F 15min (pie weights) + 8 or 15 minutes w/o weights + docking to determine if it's par or full baked.  I just par baking most of my custard or fruit pies instead of full baking, so it can be baked a little further by the filling.

Now, I will preface with the fact that I'm not a parbaking wizard, at all. I'm also not a pie baking person, at all. Like, ever.

But, why would you change your parbaking method to something different? I'd go with what you know, and what's worked for you in the past. Do you not cook the pumpkin filling (it's pumpkin, right?)? If so, why wouldn't you blind bake?

Now, I will preface with the fact that I'm not a parbaking wizard, at all. I'm also not a pie baking person, at all. Like, ever.

But, why would you change your parbaking method to something different? I'd go with what you know, and what's worked for you in the past. Do you not cook the pumpkin filling (it's pumpkin, right?)? If so, why wouldn't you blind bake?
I'm always trying to improve myself and figure out what is the best methodology for baking pies (I've always wanted to wander more into fruit pies), but there is such discourse over blind baking fully or par baking.  I prefer to par bake when something is going back into the oven, since it'll cook for probably another 40-minutes+.  I tend to blind bake when it's a fruit or pudding pie, where it needs to be cooled completely before something is added and thus needs to be really cooked through. 

I cooked the sweet potato filling...I didn't blind bake for this pie...because I was tired last night (literally, my only reason not blind baking, and I was kinda on zombie mode after getting back to the gym after being kinda sick on Monday).  The crust itself looked okay, I use glass pie dishes for all my pies so I can check the crumb, but there is def a little wetter patch near the center of the pie dish.  Tbh, it was me being dramatic.  I'm sure it'll be fine, maybe a little wetter near the middle, but the crust itself tasted pretty good before going in, so it'll just taste a little like the cold pastry.  I don't think it'll affect the taste/structure for the rest of the pie.

This just means I have to deal with pies more...Which I really do not want to do.

I'm always trying to improve myself and figure out what is the best methodology for baking pies (I've always wanted to wander more into fruit pies), but there is such discourse over blind baking fully or par baking.  I prefer to par bake when something is going back into the oven, since it'll cook for probably another 40-minutes+.  I tend to blind bake when it's a fruit or pudding pie, where it needs to be cooled completely before something is added and thus needs to be really cooked through. 

I cooked the sweet potato filling...I didn't blind bake for this pie...because I was tired last night (literally, my only reason not blind baking, and I was kinda on zombie mode after getting back to the gym after being kinda sick on Monday).  The crust itself looked okay, I use glass pie dishes for all my pies so I can check the crumb, but there is def a little wetter patch near the center of the pie dish.  Tbh, it was me being dramatic.  I'm sure it'll be fine, maybe a little wetter near the middle, but the crust itself tasted pretty good before going in, so it'll just taste a little like the cold pastry.  I don't think it'll affect the taste/structure for the rest of the pie.

This just means I have to deal with pies more...Which I really do not want to do.
Gotcha. It sounds like it will taste delicious. It certainly looks delicious!

Now I'm just a little confused by the statements in bold, above...

Challllllah!!!!! I swear, this recipe takes forever to make, but the end result always makes me happy!! @leggo PE Recipe is here:

I try to use local/real honey. Mostly buckwheat. Also, since my eggs are usually extra large, I use close to 5.5 cups of flour. Hook attachment for mixing with the last half cup kneaded in before first prove. A pretty straight forward recipe. Always taps hollow and the egg wash gives it that darker color I like but doesn’t totally make the surface pitch black. 





