The Baking Thread

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I just want to bake something, anything, that is not the muffins.

And doesn't require a mixer since I haven't moved that over yet. 
I mean, you could always do basic oatmeal cookies or sugar cookies that require fridging?  Leave butter out so it's soft, mix by hand, leave in fridge, and then cut/bake the next day?

Those look awesome!

I've baked a dozen banana muffins and two dozen banana mini muffins yesterday. Lots of muffins in my household.

The other day, my husband mentioned that eating his muffin is his favorite part of his workday. So I guess I'll stay on the weekly muffin train! I've been enjoying doing a variety of muffins, too.

Um, can I have one?
They're all gone!!!!  I now have a can of pumpkin that I need to use up soon.  I'm thinking, since I get paid this Friday, that I might buy some doughnut pans and attempt some baked doughnuts (my secret love).

(also, as a random aside, I told my mom about some of my Indiana experiences and she just replied "You New York Bitch!" in the family group chat and I cackled and scared one of my co-workers)

The other day, my husband mentioned that eating his muffin is his favorite part of his workday. So I guess I'll stay on the weekly muffin train! I've been enjoying doing a variety of muffins, too.

Am I the only one tempted to replace "muffin" with the urban dictionary meaning of the word in this whole thread?

I'm confused. I think you lied to me. I saw elsewhere that you were having the last one with a cup of tea this morning for breakfast. This fact does not correspond correctly to this statement from yesterday.
ALL COOKIES AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC WERE GONE.  Cookies left for private, baker, consumption were left in my car overnight and miraculously discovered this morning under the parchment paper and stuffed into my lunchbox.

All facts stated by JK are circumstantial at best, except when I'm drunk and saying I'm not mafia.

My coworker sent this to me:

I thought she had made them before but talking to her about it further, it doesn't seem that way.

I'm thinking of making those this weekend.

Plus these:  except I'm going to use chives instead because I bought them thinking this recipe used chives 

@JayKay PE she works in a different office so it wouldn't benefit her 😂
Trickery most foul!

Also, I read the comments on that mocha cookie recipe.  There is one lady who is so salty.  Bitching about how the recipe made more than stated (it says 15 cookies with rounded tablespoon placement [which makes me think slightly more than a tablespoon/a heaped tablespoon], and she's like it's made 24) and then she's bitching about how they didn't spread.  Which def makes me think she either substituted stuff in the original recipe, didn't fully soften her butter, or used way too much cooking spray on her tray.  All other comments are good.

@JayKay PE tbh I hadn't read the comments yet. It's hit or miss with Taste of Home recipes so I might find a similar version elsewhere? 

But yes, why is Sarah complaining about too many cookies? I'm annoyed when muffin recipes make more since I've always put away the liners when I realize I have to find another muffin pan and do that but I'm always happy to have more muffins/cookies/donuts. 

@LyceeFruit I think I might have a double chocolate chip cookie recipe kicking around somewhere, if you're interested?  I tend to use melted chocolate (bittersweet chips) with espresso powder.  It's a modification of Ghiradelli double chocolate chip cookies.

I NEED TO START LEARNING ABOUT MUFFINS AND BAKING THEM.  I always stick too cookies or pan bakes, but I do want to start making muffins.  Also, when they say grease a tray with oil, what do you use?  I don't like to use cooking spray, since I feel like that leaves weird residue after it bakes.

@LyceeFruit I think I might have a double chocolate chip cookie recipe kicking around somewhere, if you're interested?  I tend to use melted chocolate (bittersweet chips) with espresso powder.  It's a modification of Ghiradelli double chocolate chip cookies.

I NEED TO START LEARNING ABOUT MUFFINS AND BAKING THEM.  I always stick too cookies or pan bakes, but I do want to start making muffins.  Also, when they say grease a tray with oil, what do you use?  I don't like to use cooking spray, since I feel like that leaves weird residue after it bakes.
I either spray it (I have a misto sprayer which I fill with olive oil) or I just use liners because I have 8000 of them

I primarily make muffins/loaves/cakes. I'm too lazy for cookies usually - it's too much work 
