Sometimes you just need to scream!!!

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That is a classic online scheme. In fact, I think the exact wording of some of his emails appears on the Craiglist Scam Warning site. They usually pay, get the item, then reverse payment. That's why I have never accepted anything except cash, and have never shipped anything that I have sold on C-list.

I have used PayPal dozens of times for BUYING stuff. I have never once used it to collect money from anybody. This is partly because of stories like the one in the video above, and partly because they charge fees to collect money on my behalf. I understand that is how they make money, but it is also my prerogative to not use the service in that manner.

I feel as if the "engineer" in my title is officially neutered. Now I am being asked to review and approve all requisitions for material order prior to work even being planned. In three hours yesterday, I received 17 emails with over 100 items to order for the jobs. F*cking re-f*cking-diculous.

I feel as if the "engineer" in my title is officially neutered. Now I am being asked to review and approve all requisitions for material order prior to work even being planned. In three hours yesterday, I received 17 emails with over 100 items to order for the jobs. F*cking re-f*cking-diculous.
Just make sure you include the new cover sheet.

New policy: No $hitting on a coworker's desk.

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