Sometimes you just need to scream!!!

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Mad Dog, maybe even a 40 of Old English...


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You did not just call Pabst Blue Ribbon (the pride of Milwaukee) "bottom of the barrel swill beer "...did you?
I know! I was going to blame it on him being a damn yankee and just couldn't understand, but I see that you, fine sir, fully comprehend the glorious goodness that is PBR.

Mad Dog, maybe even a 40 of Old English...
</br>Or uncle Jemima's Pure Mash Liquor:</br><object width="512" height="288"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param'>;"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="512" height="288" allowFullScreen="true"></embed></object></br></br>PBR is not in this category, it's canned liquid rainbow.</br></br>PBRme!
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#%*(@) turned the hot water on last night to wash pots and pans after diner last night, it takes awhile to get hot water to the kitchen...and a couple minutes later still no hot water...barely warmer than the cold water. Had mr snick check the water heater...pilot light went out. He relit it and less than 5 minutes later it went out again. relit and went again less than 5 minutes. just wont stay lit. COld water shower this morning was not fun.

We were going to be replacing the water heater later this year when we redid the basement, guess this just means we get it sooner.

nope...its a cheap no name POS water heater that was totally inefficient anyways. It was the cheapest thing the previous owners could find at the only store in town that sells water heaters. It was a 4 yr rated tank that has been in service for probably 6 yrs.

We are going to have to visit one of the bigger cities about 45mins to an hr away to get a decent replacement.

Just finished my taxes. Last year I paid 17.6% of my income in federal taxes, and 22.7% of my income to the total of federal, state and local income taxes. Curious how this compares to those of you with spouses and kids.

We made around $150k gross last year, have two kids, and paid about 8% of our income to the feds, 12% overall. We tithe, pay a lot in mortgage interest, and put away a huge chunk of our money into pre-tax flex spending and tax-deferred retirement accounts.

I'm visiting a field office and the consultants inadvertently locked me inside the building when they left for lunch just now. I can't concentrate over the sound of my tummy rumbling so I'm spamming EB instead of working.

Isn't it against OSHA regulations to (even be able to) "lock someone in". suppose there was a fire, there should always be a way out.

Just say the word and we'll send the fire department with axes to get you out.

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We made around $150k gross last year, have two kids, and paid about 8% of our income to the feds, 12% overall. We tithe, pay a lot in mortgage interest, and put away a huge chunk of our money into pre-tax flex spending and tax-deferred retirement accounts.
Good grief, I made significantly less than that, and still paid more in dollar terms that you did. Though part of that is deliberate, since I switched from maxing out the traditional 401k to maxing out the Roth 401k last year (but I'll never pay tax on that money again).

Oh and since you live in CA my house is probably worth less than what you pay in mortgage interest per year!
