Sometimes you just need to scream!!!

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Well, finally got the virus issue resolved and computer runs all peachy keen except for one, tiny, incidental problem... getting the Error Code 80096001 for Windows updates, both automatic and manual. From what I understand, this issue is a "you're f^&^#d so you might as well go cry in the corner as it can't be fixed" kind of deal. %#$*()_%!!!

Well, got some good news and some bad news over the weekend.

The bad news is that despite the fact my wife and I claim 0 on our paychecks, we still owe $3k in taxes this year (would have been over $4k if we hadn't bought the house). The good news is that I figured out how to solve my parking issue with the HOA: I will have to sell the Bronco to pay my tax bill...

I really hate having to sell a vehicle that is paid off, especially with as cheap as it is to keep, but we took a pretty big hit in the savings department when we bought the house. F*CK!!!

Well, finally got the virus issue resolved and computer runs all peachy keen except for one, tiny, incidental problem... getting the Error Code 80096001 for Windows updates, both automatic and manual. From what I understand, this issue is a "you're f^&^#d so you might as well go cry in the corner as it can't be fixed" kind of deal. %#$*()_%!!!
This is XP I assume? What is the nature of the update? Sometimes the update conflicts with another piece of software or service that is running. Or perhaps it could be a hardware incompatibility issue. In which case it is better to go to the respective hardware manufacturer's website and do the update that way. In any event, if the update is a no-go, just hide it so Win Update doesn't find it each time it checks for updates.

On a side note, might be time to upgrade to 7 as I believe MS support for XP ends this coming June (i.e. no more updates or security patches).

I know one of the security programs interferes with MS updates a lot. I don't remember which, but we switched and our issues went away

On a side note, might be time to upgrade to 7 as I believe MS support for XP ends this coming June (i.e. no more updates or security patches).
Hmmm. I hadn't heard that...all of the computers at my office still run XP, that means lots of IT time coming up.

It's Windows 7 Starter. Can't Microsoft get their sh*t straight? #$*%_#$*()%!!!!!! When is Google Sucks coming out with their OS?

Just sayin'...


^^^ I'm currently reviewing a change order request to pay for a series of geotech reports. I have to review each one to make sure that the cost for each report is justified...

I had a horrid day at the gym. It was the easiest workout we have done in a while... 15-12-9-6-3 KB swings, with suicide runs, and 25lb "sand bag" (we actually use KB's not sand bags) carries in between... 25lb KB's... with a row 1000m, 50 sit ups, 40 sqauts with a 45 lb bar and 30 lunges warm up before hand... I was ready to cry by the time I finished my second sand bag carry... the whole time I was there I couldn't focus, I screwed up on of my suicide runs and ended up running to the green cone like three times before I realized that I needed to move on to the next one, I was dehydrated which is REALLY odd for me, and I took my gloves off because I couldn't get a good grip on the handle of the KB and I am now bleeding from a blister... sigh... I don't even want to think about what kind of tourture the coach has up her sleeve for tomorrow...

Why is the project engineer for the contractor so stupid as to walk into my office and start yelling about my comments for not approving (I am a CM for the govt agency running the project)? I didn't even reject the proposal, I simply asked for more backup documentation before I can approve it. Since he came in here and started yelling, I will now go through his proposal with a fine-tooth comb and find a contractural reason to discount his entire proposal. You want $200k? I will give you tree-fiddy. Take that you damn loch-ness monster.

He wants the money, I have the money, I am willing to give him the money, I just need more information to do so. Is it really that hard of a concept to understand?
