Sometimes you just need to scream!!!

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I think I very well may work with a bunch of 12 year olds...

I'm sorry I didn't knock on your office door and invite you to sit with me in the break room down the hall for lunch... since you told me you were running errands during lunch I naturally assumed that was what you were doing... and thank you for making the snide remark about me being rude... in front of all the people in the breakroom because I'm sure it makes me look like a big ole meanie for leaving poor little ole you out.

I did my taxes on this year. One of the easiest things I've ever done. It was absolutely incredible. My taxes are pretty straightforward, mostly W2 income, some 1099-MISC, and some dividends. I also had itemized deductions this year, but it took me about 2 hours to do everything. It would have been less time except my 12 week old bundle of joy was a little fussy so I played with him for 30 minutes to try to calm him down. I efiled both state and federal and completed the returns using the software for $17.95.

Tax software cost me $35 and it includes the e-file. It imports all the info from last year and has helped us with a lot of investment related tax questions. Totally worth it. I used to do taxes by hand, but I work for the government and I no longer like to fill out paperwork without someone paying me.

Our house came with the original covenant from 1945. Blacked out was the part about African-American people, but it still doesn't allow for people to live in tents on our property. Dang. SO much for hosting a circus.

And I'm IT support at our house, so when my husband opened up "movie.exe" I got to figure that out, while mentioning how he shouldn't be allowed to operate his computer unsupervised.

Nothing stated about trailers, but I wish they were prohibited from parking on the street. Makes walking in the sidewalks less pleasant and makes driving less safe, because of reduced sight distance around them.

^^^the piano teacher lives across the street from us...always tons of cars parked on the street, you'd think they were dealing drugs. It has gotten a little more exciting, too with alll of the heavy construction traffic from all the people rebuilding their houses after the fire.

I'm partner in a business that nets about $20/year in capital gains, which multiplies my tax work by 2 to 3 times, and if I want to use software I'd have to pay $120 or so. No thanks, I know how to use a calculator and pencil.

I run my own business and have rental income/expenses as wel as capital gains. I still do my own taxes because my accountant was f'ing them up. If you want someone to care about your money, you gotta be that someone. Otherwise nobody gives a f*@k!

Taxes still suck. Go flat tax!

^^Same. My husband is also self-employed. By the time everything is prepared for the accountant, I might as well just file the taxes myself...TurboTax, all the way.

^but if you pay someone to prepare they are liable for any errors, correct?

Paid $19.99 for H&R Block At Home this morning and finished just about everything minus a few deductions I have to hunt down. BTW, for some reason, I always have the hardest time getting the ESPP thing right in my taxes. Glad I am not an accountant.

I gladly pay my accountant every year to do my taxes. She's been nothing but great and she's been in business for almost 30 years here in the Charlotte area. She doesn't advertise at all and only gets new customers via word-of-mouth, so that means people are satisfied with her work. She will always answer any questions that I have throughout the year and will advise me on what withholdings I need to have.

Ble: Can you shoot me her contact info? Hoping someone can help me eek out past the standard deduction.
