Sometimes you just need to scream!!!

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So I have determined the cause of the water.

Let's just say, I am now the harbinger of death to a certain 5 year old who felt the need to reduce her bath water to an acceptable level by which her toy giraffe could stand, rather than float.

Yup. Had a blue cup, and just kept shoveling it out.

I'm thinking I'll make a video to play in the theater room of Disney, and then transition to stills of the house damage, followed by a burning giraffe.

I'm thinking I'll make a video to play in the theater room of Disney, and then transition to stills of the house damage, followed by a burning giraffe.

According to the commercials, Windows 7 can help with that.

Anyone know if the EBAY versions of Turbotax are legit. They sell at 1/2 the price, and yet they still have the official holograms and everything. How is this possible? Are these just excellent pirate versions?

EG: I went through every ounce of plumbing up there yesterday. Turned on all appliances that used water simultaneously, tried different combos of shutoff valves, jiggled fixtures, inspected caulking, the works. Could not reproduce so much as a drop of water. There were clearly two entry points of water based on inspection of the subfloor. Based on how much water the GF saw there, coupled with the location of it, there were only four possible options.

1) Toilet overflow - ruled out as the toilet and subfloor next to/behind it was bone dry, and GF witnessed junior flush.

2) Bathtub fixture - ruled out by inspecting all fixtures, jiggling, turning, you name it, coupled with water damage reports that moisture sensors were showing the tub was dry behind the 1/4 round moulding.

3) Shower stall - ruled out as fixtures were on the opposite side of the wall with no moisture readings, staining didn't correlate with fixture side from below, shower hadn't been used since that morning, so no explanation as to where a sudden onrush of water came from.

4) Child - armed with a plethora of bath toys

Interrogation followed this general line of questioning:

Toilet flush? No

Splashing? No

Toys? Mermaid only, "did not use the blue cup at all" without being prompted

Look of nervousness, lip biting

Reaffirmation of mermaid only? Might have used the blue cup with the giraffe, but did not spill any

More nervousness, clear signs of panic

Question about type of play with giraffe? Make him walk instead of float

How does one make giraffe walk? Needed to make water go down...

Hammer of defeat raising

Did you maybe spill a lit bit of water on the floor with the blue cup? Yes, but only three cups...

Eyes welling

Are you sure it was only three cups, or were you maybe not really counting? Admission of not really counting, followed by apologetic hysteria of "I didn't mean to lie!"

Gavel of defeat slams. Case closed.

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awwww.... see now had that been our senario 20+ years ago, we got Dad full on in the gut with a bucket of water... there was no point in even avoiding telling the truth... got to hand it to the kid, when presented a problem, a solution was developed...

Not a flood but I noticed some water coming out of the vanity below the sink. WTF? For some reason, my teenaged son decided to cup his hands under the runnig faucet which forced water towards the base of the fixture. The seal at the base of the fixture wasn't sufficient to stop water from going into the cabinet below. Why do kids do this stupid stuff?

Junior is 5. Trust me, someday you'll recount this story and laugh.

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Not a flood but I noticed some water coming out of the vanity below the sink. WTF? For some reason, my teenaged son decided to cup his hands under the runnig faucet which forced water towards the base of the fixture. The seal at the base of the fixture wasn't sufficient to stop water from going into the cabinet below. Why do kids do this stupid stuff?

Junior is 5. Trust me, someday you'll recount this story and laugh.

I'm sure I will, until I remember the cost of fixing it. She'll have a lot of babysitting to do in a few years to pay this one back.

EG: I'd push her towards stormwater modeling, but I hear there's a guy in Florida that is the go-to expert, so the redundancy would be pointless.

^^^ You might want to check the HOA's preferred vendor list, as not to disrupt the quo.

HFC plastic cuts hurts WAY more than paper cuts...its been almost 4 days and this gash is still painful and stinging
