I like your style MA.Sounds like MIL needs to acknowledge that she became completely dependent on income from watching her grandkids. It's tough for anybody to take a $800/month hit, but like you said she certainly has a responsibility to stand on her on two feet. Based on your narrative MIL should be contrite with you and not angry, especially when she told you she was not prepared to handle #3. What are you supposed to do hire her an assistant?
Lots of drama Mike. Best wishes to you and the Mrs to weather the storm.
then it's a good thing that every room is occupied. No room at the inn.She really wants to move in.
I thought so too. Many told me that I was nuts, esp since she really didn't do a damn thing to help out w/ #3 after birth. I'm pretty sure I could have put that extra $2400 to better use.
are you the middle sister?
You're absolutely right. Shouldn't be anywhere near that way. It's like they forget how difficult it is raising small kids. She used to make us keep the kids home if they had a basic cold. We were always hearing **** from work for all the PTO taken due to our kids being "sick".My wife used to work 3 to 4 days a month when our 3 were little and maybe 5 times I asked my mom to watch the kids over a 2 year period and every time it was just ******* misereable.. shouldnt be that way......