Ok, so this is gonna be REAL long winded but I need to get this $h!t off my chest because I'm ready to spit in my MIL's face. Back in 2010, Mrs NJ's mother offered to watch #1 for us after she was born, while Mrs NJ went back to work. One stipulation was that we had to pay her being that she had no income. We agreed upon $200/week. Mrs NJ worked 4 days a week. At first we would split the commute; 2 days at our house 2 days there. The commute was/is about 20 mi. For me to drop off there and make it to work on time, it entailed leaving at 0700, sitting in rush hour AM traffic, getting there by 0730 and then eventually getting to the office by 0830. This commute was 40 mi in the opposite direction (20 there and 20 back) because my office is 15 mins from my house. Yet I did this everyday.
Fast forward from 2010 to 2013. In that time, we had #2, and just found out about #3. MIL was still watching #1 and now #2. Still getting paid the same amount. I was now making this commute EVERY morning on the days that Mrs NJ worked, and she was picking up. We were told when Mrs NJ became pg with #3 that MIL could not watch all three and that we needed to plan accordingly. Concurrently, we had just saved bout $460/mo in mortgage payments through a loan mod. So the question because can we survive on my income alone. Early on, I set up a detailed spreadsheet and monitored our income and expenditures. Long story short, We could on a very tight budget make it. So problem solved. At this point it was just December and the kid was about to pop out. We informed her that Mrs NJ was going to stay home full-time with the kids, beginning in a week. We also informed her that we would continue to pay her for 4 months (Dec-March). Being that she had no other source of income. That way she could continue to look for a job with some kind of income. Did she? No. Was she happy that her daughter could be a SAHM like she wanted to; like she always asked me if there was any way of making it happen? No. In fact, she accused us of just kicking her to the curb now we don't need her. This in and of itself "hurt her so deeply" (QFT according to her).
So now it is the beginning of April. I tell Mrs. NJ that she needs to remind MIL that her that on 4/4 she will receive her final payment. Well, that didn't go well.
She accused us of lying to her about how long we could promised to pay her for, citing that we told her including April. Now, this I know not to be ever true. Said spreadsheet above, was developed based on a single income. Mrs NJ waited until her disability and FLA benefits had expired before notifying her employer that she would not be returning to work. That way Mrs NJ would have some kind of income from which we could continue to use to "help" (QFT according to me) her mom. Those benefits were all done ending in March. So, there is no way I would have ever committed to something that I couldn't afford. Yet we screwed her.
Now the end of April, she is still badgering/bullying her daughter. Leaving her to feel endless guilt when in reality she is the one who never did $h!t to help her own cause by waiting until the last minute to even think about looking for work she claims that she was going to begin looking during April.... still hasn't :dunno:
She also refuses to take this fight to me because she knows that this BS doesn't fly with me and I would put her in her place yesterday.
So at what point to I make it my problem and cut the legs out from under this ******?