Sometimes you just need to scream!!!

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You could always save some money by staying in the camper in YMZ's driveway...

That there's an RV!

I love the undependable contractors. Douche was supposed to call me last night to confirm the time for a septic bed inspection. Damn thing is failing and the pump is CONSTANTLY running and will probably burn out if not fixed. Not to mention that the bed is completely saturated and not leaching properly. He insists that ground water is the cause, even though he dug a hole next to the bed and it was bone dry.

Did he call me yesterday? no. Has he returned my call from this morning? No. Douche.
Had a similar issue last night with the fencing contractor. Left work early to meet him for his last appointment and he never shows or calls.

Didn't help that i had skipped lunch and dinner was waiting to be prepared. Waiting around on a hungry stomach is not good.

Time to look fer a different contractor.

Flying. $1800 bucks....

And I hate to be the parent that says you can't go. But there really "ain't" much that even fundraising will help with...pennies...

I think it sounds nice and all, I didn't get to do crap like that in High School.

It's just an expense i don't really need.....
when my son was on the bantam hockey team (U-15) his coach told us he wanted to "national-bound" (ends in a national tournament) versus "state-bound" (final tournament is just MA teams). the parents all said "fine". Well they ended up in the middle of their local division and the coach said we were the highest team that selected "national-bound" so we were going to the national tournament in Lansing, MI. I said NFW I was paying $1000+ to go to MI to compete in a national tournament when they couldn't even win consistently against our local teams. I wasn't alone thinking this way and the collective parents group told the coach we weren't going to pay the money to go. He was really annoyed and the tournament slot went to another local team. the team that went got their ***** kicked all over the place by the top Midwest teams that dominated the tournament. Like I wanted to pay that kind of money so my kid could go get humiliated. screw that.

It'd be nice if I could get a new mouse. But it's been denied by the powers that be since the roller ball is still functional!


It'd be nice if I could get a new mouse.  But it's been denied by the powers that be since the roller ball is still functional!

It won't be functional if it, oh I don't know, falls out of the window.

It won't be functional if the "ball" disappears. I hear they make good ammunition for air powered rifles.

Now I want to go find a ball mouse to see if I have a barrel it'll fit down. Damn you peewee!

Edit - Ball diameter is 21mm (googled it) and it'd fit down the 1" barrel with some wadding... Am going to dig into the old parts box sometime this weekend and see if I can find one to try out.

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I actually have a 1" diameter potato launcher.

Along with a 1-1/2" and a 2" mag with electronic ignition.

I actually have a 1" diameter potato launcher.

Along with a 1-1/2" and a 2" mag with electronic ignition.
I made an air powered launch system with interchangable barrels. Mainly for putting antennas up in trees, the additional barrels have come in handy to play with from time to time.

Smallest is 1/2" diameter (mini-marshmellows) & largest is 4" for rolls of TP. I normally keep the 2-1/2" diameter barrel mounted for tennis balls (antenna launching & fetch activities w/ neighbors dogs). There are several barrel sizes in between for various uses.

Spud guns are fun :p
