we haven't been able to find one.This is just a real shame. He was one of the "constants" on this board. I guess this is an excellent example of why you should try to find happiness in whatever circumstances you find yourself - you just never know how long you'll be here........
Is there an obituary online somewhere?
I have been/am. I started with reliving my limited interactions with him but plan to now move on to his vast collection of posts. I may need until the weekend to complete.I just spent some time on VT's profile and let me just say: "Wow, what an awesome guy!"
I suggest that all of the "newbies" like me do the same and at least go through every "like" post to get a feel for what an interesting, funny, and astonishing human being he displayed to this board over the years.
This is truly sad news. VT, his family, and friends will be in my prayers.
>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaG9SDxwPBgTrain was one of Mat's favorite bands and Calling All Angels keeps popping into my head today.
Thought 1 - I realized is that I never even got to know the guy outside of his wit, swift use of the ban hammer (receiver of said ban hammer once), and his everlasting love of his dog(s). Come to think of it, I haven't really gotten to know anyone on this board. There have been opportunities to meet with Supe, Fox, and Freon but logistically things just didn't work out. Maybe one day I can shake the hands of the screen names here.
Thought 2 - "GFY" just won't be the same anymore.
Thought 1 - I realized is that I never even got to know the guy outside of his wit, swift use of the ban hammer (receiver of said ban hammer once), and his everlasting love of his dog(s). Come to think of it, I haven't really gotten to know anyone on this board. There have been opportunities to meet with Supe, Fox, and Freon but logistically things just didn't work out. Maybe one day I can shake the hands of the screen names here.
Thought 2 - "GFY" just won't be the same anymore.
Thought 3 - neither will SCRAPBOOKING
I just spent some time on VT's profile and let me just say: "Wow, what an awesome guy!"
I suggest that all of the "newbies" like me do the same and at least go through every "like" post to get a feel for what an interesting, funny, and astonishing human being he displayed to this board over the years.
This is truly sad news. VT, his family, and friends will be in my prayers.