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At least you don't have to worry about sick coworkers. 

But I agree. That's one of the reason I go to my office even though I could work from home.
my coworkers are germ factories.

my boss had Flu B then a sinus infection. My PM has been sick a bunch of times and his oldest daughter is on predisone since she's basically been sick since xmas.

At least my Wednesday food poisoning wasn't contagious 

all of my face to face meetings are becoming emails, skype calls, and MS teams meetings and I love it. it's like old times!

my older boss hates it. he's like "I miss sitting and chatting with people in a room". I don't.

I just witnessed possibly the stupidest thing I've ever seen.  I get in the drive-thru at my local Wendy's.  I see a car parked in the drive-thru, short of the window, directly adjacent to the side-door into the restaurant.  It's one of those"captive" drive-thrus, where there is a high-curb/parking lot on the right side and the restaurant on the left (i.e., no way to get out if you get blocked in front to back).

I order and ask the guy taking the order, "do you realize that there is a car parked in your drive-thru?"  He says, "yeah, they'll be out in a minute."  Not too long later (maybe 2 minutes), a lady comes out holding 3 of those drink caddies, with 4 drinks each, stacked on top of each other, and she slowly puts them in the passenger side of her car.  OK...no big deal...that wasn't too long a wait.  She then gets in her car, fires it up, drives 10 feet forward (so she is now aligned with the window)...and GETS OUT OF HER CAR AND GOES INSIDE AGAIN.  I was too shocked to say anything to her as she walked past my car and into the building.  By this time, 2 other cars are behind me, so I'm trapped.

She's in there, no ****, for 10 more minutes...apparently waiting on the food that goes along with her drinks.  An employee comes out holding 2 more drinks.  I think that she's going ahead and serving the cars behind the idiot, but nope.  I see her heading towards idiot's passenger side door...apparently these are two additional drinks for the already massive order.  I unkindly ask the employee, "Can you tell that idiot to move her car?"  I get the following explanation from the employee..."She is with a local school and they always call in their orders so its ready when she comes to pick it up.  We were short-handed this morning and didn't have time to make her order.  Sorry about your wait."  Lady finally comes outside with 3 giant bags of food, loads them in the back seat, takes the 2 drinks from the employee, puts them in cup holders in her car via the passenger door, gets in her car and leaves.

Even if that story was true.  Once the lady figures out that her order is not ready, why the **** didn't she move her car to a parking space and get it out of the drive through (there was literally a spot 10 feet away from the side door)?  Why didn't the employees tell her to come move her car, and they could bring her order out while she waited?  The "short-handed" story is BS anyway.  This Wendy's is by-far the slowest fast food restaurant I've ever been to, and I usually go there weekly (it's the closest fast food to my office and I like Wendy's food).  I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that they straight-up forgot about her order and didn't start making it until she showed up.


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