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I got my real ID just before all this nonsense and the DMVs shutting down.  I needed it for work to get on base.  The DMVs around here have reopened but they aren't processing real ids at the momment since the deadline got pushed out again.  THey are focusing on plate and license renewals instead.  
I figured at this point it was better to pay the $44 for a regular license and have a passport on hand, than to have an expired license.

Going to have to, since they don't have passport card appointments available to select anyways, so I need to call and figure out how they want me to schedule it.

This caught me out at the airport the other day.  That is true for Federal buildings, but NOT when states/airports require it.  I was in line at security at the Charlotte airport and had to have my wife rush me my passport since I too thought I didn't need it until 2021.  You could very well take off in one state, land, and not be able to make the return trip if that state has implemented Real ID requirements.
well **** - i was fine in DTW in September and CLE in March (they did remind me of the requirements back in March but it was legit 4 days before everything started shutting down) 

is Real ID for states that dont meet the TSA Requirements?
It's a Federal standard for minimum ID requirements.  If your license has a star with a circle around it in the corner, it meets Real ID requirements.  If it doesn't, better start bringing your passport with you.

Took me about 20 minutes to get new registration and a real id license a few weeks ago when we moved to Florida. 

I'm glad I got my Real ID last year! My husband also got his in early March, before everything went into pandemic-mode... But his DL was about to expire anyway.

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Okay, so be honest with me, people! Who out there EVER rinses their rice before cooking it?

I'm asking because I actually DID that last night, and holy moly, the rice was fantastic.

We do have the little star, I also need to remember to bring my global nexus ID but these days the airports are so light its not really needed..

Okay, so be honest with me, people! Who out there EVER rinses their rice before cooking it?

I'm asking because I actually DID that last night, and holy moly, the rice was fantastic.
We do.

Get the word out on doing this!!!

Okay, so be honest with me, people! Who out there EVER rinses their rice before cooking it?

I'm asking because I actually DID that last night, and holy moly, the rice was fantastic.
We do.  It makes cleaning the rice cooker pot a LOT easier.  Never noticed a taste difference

I thought it changed the texture of the rice a lot. I know the package directions always say to, but honestly, the only reason I did this time was because the recipe I was using said specifically to rinse the rice. I thought that it gave much more texture to each individual grain of rice. It might be worth it to do it every time! Thought for 2 c of dry jasmine rice, it took a LOT of rinsing to get the water to run anything close to what I'd call clear.

Okay, so be honest with me, people! Who out there EVER rinses their rice before cooking it?

I'm asking because I actually DID that last night, and holy moly, the rice was fantastic.
I've done it both ways. Depends on how lazy I am at the moment.

I usually intentionally make my rice a little dryer than normal and if I'm doing that the rinsing really doesn't matter.



back when I ate rice.
