Presidential Election

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Who will better represent the American Public in The White House?

  • McCain

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Obama

    Votes: 2 66.7%

  • Total voters
I'm not talking about your post, DV, I'm talking about Obama's aunt being an illegal alien. Guess I should have made that clear. I am sure it's not an "accident" that this happened to leak out less the 4 days to the election.
Nobody will care. Anybody who would care about an illegal aunt is already voting for McCain.

But as far as it being somehow "dirty" that's called politics. I'm sure you're not going to claim the Democrats never did that? Ask Arnold (a governor I hate) about what his oponent and the LA Times leaked right before his election. What about somebody whining for years about money in politics and promising to take public financing then changing their minds when they see how much money they have. It's just strategy.

I'm certainly not claiming the Democrats are innocent of this kind of stuff. I think it's dirty when either side does it.

I'm certainly not claiming the Democrats are innocent of this kind of stuff. I think it's dirty when either side does it.
To me, leaking something that's a lie too close to the election for the person to respond is dirty.

Leaking something true, to me that's just strategy. The other campaign (whoever it is) should be prepared to counter it.

To me this doesn't matter. I don't hold a person's relatives against them, and I don't consider this the crime of the century anyway.

But, and this may be my prejudice, but I do think it is a little strange that the news media somehow was able to find out that Mitt Romney's gardeners were illegal, but couldn't find out that Obama's aunt was illegal. Plus, I think if I was as rich and "compassionate" as Barack, I might set her up living in a little better place. But maybe he didn't know about her.

In this case the momentum and enthusiasm is so much in Obama's favor I don't think it will matter one bit.

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I love this one, especially the first few minutes where Arnold is making fun of Barack's girly legs, etc.

Funny stuff.

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Arnold's not a bad guy to have stumping for you. Funny stuff.

Obama is built like a toothpick, which may be part of the reason I can relate to him. I may not be able to gain 5 lbs, but dammit I could run for office one day too.

Obviously, how he is built has nothing to do with his ability (or lack of) to run the office of President, but Arnold would make you believe so.

I thought it was pretty good. Stick legs. LOL

^^^ I'm also surprised I missed him saying that, since I'm sure all the major networks covered it, just the same as they would have if Sarah Palin had said it.

^^They did. I saw it.

Well, not on TV but on online news. I don't watch TV news.

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I love this one, especially the first few minutes where Arnold is making fun of Barack's girly legs, etc.
Funny stuff.

Obviously, how he is built has nothing to do with his ability (or lack of) to run the office of President, but Arnold would make you believe so.
I thought it was pretty good. Stick legs. LOL
Not to piss kerosene on an oil fire, but alot of what the Governator rallies about falls apart with two simple words: Sarah Palin

I am glad Tuesday is only a few days away ... I will be out
watching the results roll in ...



^ tuesday nite. . .. think there's a Punky Brewster / Webster marathon on TNT that nite. . . that's where i'll be :rolleyes:

i guess watching results roll in in a bar-setting could be fun. . ."[insert State/region here] results are in, everybody supporting [insert candidate here] chug!"

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^^^ I will be out with a date ... so, as DVINNY said, I hope I come out as the BIG winner for the night!!! :w00t:


^ you're hoping for a different kind of 'chug' :17: :eyebrows: . . . [to borrow your fave emoticons]

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hopefully, JR will not be listening to the "pundits" but instead going for the VICTORY!!!!!!!!!!

If your candidate wins a state, have your companion do a shot, and if your candidate loses a state, then the companion must do a shot.

Written by a good friend of mine:

Saturday, November 1, 2008
Clarksburg Attorneys Letter To Senator Obama Defines Americans Hopes For The Future

Just Days Before The Election, Attorney Garth W. Beck's Letter To Obama Speaks Of Hope.




Dear Senator Obama,


I still believe in the American Dream. Someday, if I work hard, save my money, and obey the laws of this great land, I hope to claim my little piece of the pie. I don't think those who have already succeeded should be punished so that I can receive a check in the mail for work that I did not complete, ideas that I did not pursue, or risks that I was not willing to take. When you say you want to "spread the wealth," what you are really saying is, "the American Dream doesn't exist." Yes, it does. Don't take that from me.


I still believe that my wife and I were wise to purchase the small home that we chose after much thought and prayer. We were approved for a loan for five times the amount we ended up borrowing but we believed the prudent thing would be to purchase a home that wouldn't stretch us unavoidably beyond what we could ever hope to pay back if hard times came unexpectedly, as they always seem to do. Did your associations with a convicted felon help you obtain more house than you could comfortably afford?


I still believe that I volunteered to serve in the United States Military because I believe in the United States and the great work that we do for the betterment of our nation and the world. I served with brilliant, caring, and competent men and women who loved this nation. Not one person I can think of joined for the wrong reasons or because they weren't smart enough to do anything else. Were we always happy with what we were called to do? No. Did we always do it well and with pride? Yes. The military men and women overwhelmingly support John McCain. There's a reason for that. John McCain is a hero who has always placed service to this great nation first and foremost. What have you ever done for your Country other than train minions of ACORN workers how to extort financial institutions?


I still believe that abortion is wrong. That answer is not above my pay grade. God said it. It's wrong. The drilling of a child's skull for the purpose of vacuuming out its brain is also a crime that should be punished harshly, not a medical procedure, and certainly not a law to be repealed. You sir, are the only Senator to ever vote to deny medical care to an infant born alive after a failed abortion attempt. If protecting the most innocent among us is a decision above your pay grade, how can I count on you to protect this nation and my family?


I still believe that if I chose to scrimp and save in order to make an investment from a portion of my hard earned, overly taxed pay, the government should be ashamed of itself to ask me for any taxes on the gain that I realize from my investment. Currently the government wants to tax me at 15% on the increase but you think I should pay 30%. God can get by on the 10% I give him. Why should the government ever ask for more than that? What gives you the right to basically say to industrious, hard working Americans, "Pay more than your fair share so we can spread the wealth?"


I still believe that the American health care system is the greatest in the world. I've lived in and visited the Countries which we are lead to believe we should look to for model health care. I've seen my friends from those same nations go to other nations and pay for medical care rather than wait for the wondrous free care offered by their Country. You believe every citizen should be able to have the same health care that you have. Even you have to work for that health care benefit. Why shouldn't others have to do the same?


I still believe that anything I save to pass on to my children and grandchildren should be passed on in its entirety. Regardless of what the amount, has it not already been taxed and taxed and taxed? When has one paid enough to satisfy your thirst for more government interference?


I still believe in my right to keep and bear arms. I'm a law abiding citizen and I trust no one but myself in that brief moment my family may be in danger. Not the police, not my neighbor, and certainly not you. Your platitudes in support of the 2nd Amendment ring hollow when your voting record on gun rights is, to say the least, very poor. Will you be there to protect my family from the wolf at the door?


I still believe "God bless[ed] America" and continues to bless it each and every day. I have attended the same church my whole life. My attendance record is not perfect but you can bet your last dollar I would have heard about it if anyone standing at the pulpit of my church proclaimed, "God damn America." If that person was my mentor, my friend, and my pastor, you can bet that I would not have spent another minute listening to any word that might be coming out of that person's mouth. Do you honestly expect me to believe that you sat and listened to such a person for twenty years and had no idea what he was all about? If you're that clueless, how can I expect you to meet with world leaders who may wish to do us harm and not hear what you want to hear from them instead of what they are really saying?


I still believe that a person who commits acts of terrorism against America is a terrorist. I don't care if it happened when you were eight years old. When he says he is "guilty as Hell, free as a bird" and that he wishes he "could have done more," I don't feel you should have ever had anything to do with him, regardless of his political connections. Do you honestly think I'm dumb enough to believe that, "he's just a guy in my neighborhood?"


I still believe in America. God shed his grace on Thee. Land of the free, home of the brave. Do you?


Garth W. Beck, Esq. Clarksburg WV
^^^ I will be out with a date ... so, as DVINNY said, I hope I come out as the BIG winner for the night!!! :w00t:
Are you gonna show her your polling place?

On a serious note, I wonder what the lines will be like around here tomorrow. I've seen some horror stories on CNN about 6 hour waits. If my wife misses her regular train, the next one that stops at her stop won't be around until midday which means I get to slog my way into Boston to take her in.

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