Presidential Election

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Who will better represent the American Public in The White House?

  • McCain

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Obama

    Votes: 2 66.7%

  • Total voters
I voted last week. walked right in, maybe 4 people in line. we have a ton of ballot issues so it might be a mess tomorrow.

:plusone: for McCain!

We've never had to wait in line at our polling place.

I am thinking of taking Wednesday off for two reasons. I'm probably going to be up late Tuesday, and I want to avoid the riots if McCain wins (i drive through some rough neighborhoods on my way in).

The popluation of our town is about 6,000 people. There are like 10 different polling places...I don't think the lines are going to be too bad for us.

I think the speed will depend a lot on whatever method your county uses. I had 100+ people in front of me for early voting, and only waited about half an hour. There were 12 or so mini voting booths, everything done with an electronic scroll wheel (iPod style). If you were voting straight party, you could be done in 30 seconds, and no dimpled chads!

Here's another one of those where do you stand on the issues sites that generates the candidate you are most in line with. It was pretty comprehensive and a good way to waste time at work.

I came out as moderately liberal with a slightly left of center view on economics, which seems about right.

Electoral Compass

If you were voting straight party
As opposed to voting for the :f_115m_e45d7af: party?

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Here's another one of those where do you stand on the issues sites that generates the candidate you are most in line with. It was pretty comprehensive and a good way to waste time at work.
I came out as moderately liberal with a slightly left of center view on economics, which seems about right.

Electoral Compass

As opposed to voting for the :f_115m_e45d7af: party?

You know, voting republican as opposed to voting democrat...

Just a friendly reminder, if you have not already, or cannot (sorry Dleg), go out and vote tomorrow!

Here's another one of those where do you stand on the issues sites that generates the candidate you are most in line with. It was pretty comprehensive and a good way to waste time at work.
I came out as moderately liberal with a slightly left of center view on economics, which seems about right.
Didn't help for me, put me dead center. I'm atill torn on which way to vote, social issues vs $ issues

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My town has 65,000 people in it and about 15 polling places. It's my first election here so I don't know what to expect. It could be a little messy.
vote after work, then you don't have to worry about catching trains.

How late are the polls open in Mass?

I'd rather do it early than late. The Framingham/Worcester line has been having a lot of screwy signal problems lately that have led to trains being 30+ minutes late.

Here's another one of those where do you stand on the issues sites that generates the candidate you are most in line with. It was pretty comprehensive and a good way to waste time at work.
I came out as moderately liberal with a slightly left of center view on economics, which seems about right.

Electoral Compass

As opposed to voting for the :f_115m_e45d7af: party?
Whew!! I voted for the right person!

Here's another one of those where do you stand on the issues sites that generates the candidate you are most in line with. Electoral Compass

Your position in comparison with the candidates.You have responded to 36 propositions. Based on the responses you provided, you are the closest to

Mike Huckabee and you are the furthest away from Barack Obama

Mike Huckabee (withdrawn)

You are 5% more economic right

You are 1% more traditional

You have a substantive agreement of 76%

Mitt Romney (withdrawn)

You are as economic right as economic left

You are 8% more traditional

You have a substantive agreement of 72%

Fred Thompson (withdrawn)

You are 2% more economic right

You are 8% more progressive

You have a substantive agreement of 80%

John McCain

You are 9% more economic right

You are 8% more traditional

You have a substantive agreement of 72%

Rudy Giuliani (withdrawn)

You are 2% more economic right

You are 21% more traditional

You have a substantive agreement of 67%

Ron Paul (withdrawn)

You are 6% more economic right

You are 40% more traditional

You have a substantive agreement of 60%

Bill Richardson (withdrawn)

You are 56% more economic right

You are 55% more traditional

You have a substantive agreement of 41%

Hillary Clinton (withdrawn)

You are 59% more economic right

You are 56% more traditional

You have a substantive agreement of 38%

John Edwards (withdrawn)

You are 55% more economic right

You are 61% more traditional

You have a substantive agreement of 40%

Barack Obama

You are 50% more economic right

You are 73% more traditional

You have a substantive agreement of 35%
pretty cool poll VT.

looks like it put me closest with Fred Thompson

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Rudy Giuliani (withdrawn)

You are 8% more economic left

You are 1% more traditional

You have a substantive agreement of 69%

John McCain

You are as economic right as economic left

You are 13% more progressive

You have a substantive agreement of 68%

Mitt Romney (withdrawn)

You are 9% more economic left

You are 13% more progressive

You have a substantive agreement of 68%

Ron Paul (withdrawn)

You are 3% more economic left

You are 20% more traditional

You have a substantive agreement of 61%

Mike Huckabee (withdrawn)

You are 5% more economic left

You are 19% more progressive

You have a substantive agreement of 68%

Fred Thompson (withdrawn)

You are 8% more economic left

You are 28% more progressive

You have a substantive agreement of 70%

Bill Richardson (withdrawn)

You are 47% more economic right

You are 38% more traditional

You have a substantive agreement of 55%

Hillary Clinton (withdrawn)

You are 50% more economic right

You are 36% more traditional

You have a substantive agreement of 55%

John Edwards (withdrawn)

You are 45% more economic right

You are 41% more traditional

You have a substantive agreement of 56%

Barack Obama

You are 41% more economic right

You are 53% more traditional

You have a substantive agreement of 49%

Well whaddaya know ... looks like I AM a commie!

Who knew?

Bill Richardson (withdrawn)

You are 16% more economic right

You are 11% more traditional

You have a substantive agreement of 69%

Hillary Clinton (withdrawn)

You are 19% more economic right

You are 9% more traditional

You have a substantive agreement of 74%

John Edwards (withdrawn)

You are 14% more economic right

You are 14% more traditional

You have a substantive agreement of 72%

Barack Obama

You are 9% more economic right

You are 25% more traditional

You have a substantive agreement of 72%

Ron Paul (withdrawn)

You are 34% more economic left

You are 8% more progressive

You have a substantive agreement of 57%

Rudy Giuliani (withdrawn)

You are 39% more economic left

You are 26% more progressive

You have a substantive agreement of 60%

John McCain

You are 31% more economic left

You are 40% more progressive

You have a substantive agreement of 56%

Mitt Romney (withdrawn)

You are 41% more economic left

You are 40% more progressive

You have a substantive agreement of 56%

Mike Huckabee (withdrawn)

You are 36% more economic left

You are 46% more progressive

You have a substantive agreement of 56%

Fred Thompson (withdrawn)

You are 39% more economic left

You are 55% more progressive

You have a substantive agreement of 51%
