Presidential Election

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Who will better represent the American Public in The White House?

  • McCain

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Obama

    Votes: 2 66.7%

  • Total voters
If people immediately slandered you based on your middle name, wouldn't you be touchy about it too?

^^ I remember very vividly the comments from my ex girlfriend in late 1992, about how Clinton was the anti-Christ, all the biblical prophesies that supported her theory, the dozens of murders the Clintons were responsible for, and how all of her church members (Pentacostal - at the time) were stocking up on food and ammo to prepare for the end times.


As such, I don't get all worked up at all about the e-mail traffic that goes around. Basically, if it sounds crazy, it probably is crazy.

I thought this was pretty funny.

Palin can take a hit!!



Here's another one:

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I voted today! :multiplespotting: Anyone else voting early?
I'm waiting for election day to see all the buzz and excitement...I mean the state is giving us the day off so I should at least attempt to do something election related that day.

I voted last week by absentee ballot. That was easy! I want to do it that way every time.

Any thoughts on Gen. Colin Powell's endorsement of Obama?
I have many thoughts, but I don't think the endorsement is that powerful, but of course it will help Obama some and hurt McCain some. I just don't see it being by much.

I watched it yesterday, and Powell started off saying how he won't vote for Obama just because he's black, then went on for 20 minutes about why he is not voting for McCain because of how McCain's campaign treated Obama.


it was a weak statement, but either way.

I don't like how McCain's campaign has handled things either, but I still believe in voting for the guy that stands for values and ideals closer to mine, not the one who is percieved to have run a 'better campaign'.

(shakes head)

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^^ I remember very vividly the comments from my ex girlfriend in late 1992, about how Clinton was the anti-Christ, all the biblical prophesies that supported her theory, the dozens of murders the Clintons were responsible for, and how all of her church members (Pentacostal - at the time) were stocking up on food and ammo to prepare for the end times.
Yes i remember in last election, I had an acquaintence whose wife thought John Kerry was the anti-christ - this election year, its closer to home: my MIL swears that Obama is the anti-christ! She's alot of fun to goad. . . like "hey, you notice how those Obama-Biden signs kinda look like they say Osama Bin Laden?"

Anyways, i wish we could get past this witch burning mentality that never seems to go away - and ALOT of what is fueling my inlaws 'hook-line-&-sinker' routine are idiotic email 'chain letters' or whatever you wanna call them.

I think voting should have a minimum IQ score to be given as a right, seriously.

Anyways, i wish we could get past this witch burning mentality that never seems to go away - and ALOT of what is fueling my inlaws 'hook-line-&-sinker' routine are idiotic email 'chain letters' or whatever you wanna call them.
My mom and my aunt are like that too. They are big on the It must be true if the newspaper said it...first media outlet to report it becomes the gospel truth, although my aunt is the bigger offender of the two. I can usually talk my mom out of the craziness and get her to look at the bigger picture.

Any thoughts on Gen. Colin Powell's endorsement of Obama?
See my post above as to why I find it completely expected.

As far as whether it matters? To a tiny, tiny few voters maybe.

Because at this point I don't really believe in undecided voters. I think most of them have either really made up their minds already, or aren't going to vote at all.

This has been at least a two year campaign. If you don't know who you are going to vote for by now you are a weirdo. You'll probably end up flipping a coin, consulting a medium, or using a ouija board.

We told my MIL that Powell had endorsed Obama. . .her reaction? Who's that?

I told her he was probably the false prophet. . .

This has been at least a two year campaign. If you don't know who you are going to vote for by now you are a weirdo. You'll probably end up flipping a coin, consulting a medium, or using a ouija board.
Fire up the ouija, because I am still undecided.

I know for sure I'm not voting for McCain, but I haven't decided amonst the others.

Geeze, you guys should have to deal with my mother during this election. She's actually working the McCain campaign in CO, and she believes every chain e-mail she forwards. I know better and just ignore them, but my sister cracked two weeks ago when my Mom sent another chain e-mail (about Obama being a terrorist-Marxist or something like that) with a personal, practically tearful plea for my sister to change her mind about who she was voting for, to prevent the downfall of America. This sent my sister over the edge and she finally replied with some Snopes links and a few choice words about being "hurt" that she was somehow being considered a marxist/socialist/terrorist sympathizer because she was choosing to vote for the Democratic Party candidate. In the USA .

So now the Civil War has re-emerged in my household and my parents refuse to speak to my sister until she votes for McCain. True story. And now I am being dragged into it and asked how I feel aboutt he elction, and asked to help talk my sister into voting McCain. I still haven't responded - I simply don't know how to.

So this just adds to my opinion that the McCain, and previous Bush capaigns, for that matter, have done nothing but drive Americans further apart. You can't call the other candidate things like that, and expect to not also be taken as calling the ~50% of Americans who happen to give him their vote those things, too. It's unprofessional, and worst, beneath the dignity of what I consider America to be about. And that, I think, is an important consideration when trying to guage the manner in which an administration will conduct its business within America and the World at large.

(which is really too bad, because McCain was well ahead of Obama in this regard, in my opinion at least, until all this came to the forefront and "the gloves came off" Put them back on! Please!)

We told my MIL that Powell had endorsed Obama. . .her reaction? Who's that?
I told her he was probably the false prophet. . .
LOL. I love it.

I'm not blaming McCain for things that are done by people 'working' for him in CO or any other place for that matter. How can it be his fault? He has refuted every one of those issues.

I can't for a minute think that McCain himself is sitting in his hotel room at night thinking "If only I could make them all think he is the Anti-christ"

Obama can't claim any political genius on his part. He cannot run head to head against McCain because McCain has more experience among many other things, so instead Obama's campaign advisors decided it would be easy to run against the sitting president who has a very low approval rating. Obama's whole campaign has had NOTHING to do with accomplishments by Obama but instead about the doings of president Bush. To be very honest, any Democratic nominee had the ease of this campaign handed to them on a platter.

He talks about who is to blame for the economy, who is to blame for Iraq, who is to blame for fuel crisis, who is to blame for this, who is to blame for that. I've yet to hear Obama say "I lead the bill or the initiative to do this......."

He hasn't.

McCain's campaign may not be great by any means, but to me, he still has a hell of a lot more substance than the guy who doesn't vote either way but says 'present', then goes on to criticise everyone else's decision. Very weak IMO.
