PA Results...

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Brian and waday, and all the rest that had the same thing happen to them, I'm sorry about your luck. That must have been a rough ride. Good luck in April.

I wonder if those that did pass will keep the numbers from today or if they will shift to keep them sequential.

Brian and Waday. I am on the same roller coaster as you guys. PCS has always shown fail, but today the PA license verification site showed me as ACTIVE with a license number. My license status was then changed to pending and ultimately removed from the license registration.

I was confident that I passed the exam (Civil W/R). It would be nice to know the real results so we can start preparing to test again if necessary. Unfortunately, the class I was going to take has already started. I didn't want to pay $1,000 to take the class if I didnt have the official results.

It would just be nice to get the final results. I'm not calling PCS or PA Engineering Board anymore, I'm mentally exhausted from this!!!!!!

Sometimes I think this board helps and hurts...I think it would have been better to have no idea what was going on and just get the results when we get them. Lots of high emotions today. Now I'm worried my results are going to change. They need a damn survey to fill out after this, this is absolutely unacceptable.

If I got a license and the state tried to take it back, I don't even know what kind of insane thing I might do. It would probably be a felony though.
...PA actually made me send back my EIT certificate, because it contained the wrong issuance date...about three months later they mailed me a new one that I believe was only a day or two different than the first I guess it is plausible that they could mess-up PE licenses....

I only counted a little over a 100 in Harrisburg. There were a lot more in the building taking the FE, etc.
Agreed, nowhere near 300 in the room. It was definitely around 100.

Brian and Waday. I am on the same roller coaster as you guys. PCS has always shown fail, but today the PA license verification site showed me as ACTIVE with a license number. My license status was then changed to pending and ultimately removed from the license registration.

I was confident that I passed the exam (Civil W/R). It would be nice to know the real results so we can start preparing to test again if necessary. Unfortunately, the class I was going to take has already started. I didn't want to pay $1,000 to take the class if I didnt have the official results.

It would just be nice to get the final results. I'm not calling PCS or PA Engineering Board anymore, I'm mentally exhausted from this!!!!!!
Sorry to hear that it happened to you, too. I'm debating whether to take April with a bad taste in my mouth or just take October when emotions settle down a bit.

Sometimes I think this board helps and hurts...I think it would have been better to have no idea what was going on and just get the results when we get them.
IMO, this forum hurt more than helped. Probably won't be back, at least in this section, with the next go-around.

We're all in this together....none of us are happy with how this has gone.

I don’t think that it's appropriate that I share my personal experiences with this whole process on here. But in hindsight, had I known...I never would have chosen engineering as profession. Not because of college, quality of jobs, or salary, but the process to become licensed has been a game of attrition and sanity management.

This whole thing just seems stewed in mysticism, with a clear lack of communication, professionalism, and an inability of anyone to provide clear and concise direction to navigate through the endless and unreasonable deadlines/timelines, exam costs, constantly updated exam standards and reference materials, and the endless waiting for results and responses. The exam itself by comparison was the "easy part".

I hope some of us, someday make it onto the licensing board, and remember what it felt like to get beaten up this badly and truly change the process for the better, and not get wrapped up in the political BS that this whole thing has become.

I have been emailing with Karen at PCS regularly during this fiasco. She just emailed me and stated, "I just received approval to have NCEES release the scores. Thank you for your patience. All candidates should be getting a notification from NCEES today."

I clicked on the link on NCEES that said "next steps" and it just took me to the state website where I could view a pdf that congratulated me on passing. It didn't really tell me what to do next, except wait for more information from the state. Do you think it's safe to order my stamp, or should I wait?

Order it. License numbers haven't changed since yesterday's ******, and having that plus NCEES notification means game on and good riddance

PA isn't a crimping state, so I can't imagine the need for an embosser. I only ended up ordering the standard stamp. But man, the embossers are bad ass! After all the bs we just went through, I'm thinking of getting coffee mugs and t-shirts made.

I would recommend that all new PE's from our state read PA Code Chapter 37 rather than asking about the laws of their profession on internet forums. Section 37.58 will answer the question about a seal vs a rubber stamp.

Also, my seal is definitely bad ass. When it came in the mail last night, I was sealing everything in sight. I got the long reach one for extra functionality.

I agree with you and I did read the code, but it doesn't really mention crimping vs stamping. Do engineers you work with crimp? None of the people I work with have one or use it if they do.

Also, did send you a tracking code? I ordered two day shipping on Wednesday and I was hoping it would be here today, but no luck.

Has anyone gotten a letter from NCEES yet? I wonder when we'll get our licenses...

We won't get a letter from NCEES. Everyone I talked to that passed got the email from them last Wednesday. Wall certificates and wallet cards ate usually mailed out 7-10 business days after licenses are issued (1/20). Then again, PA hasn't exactly been on the ball this time, so who knows?
