Nutrition, Diet, and Exercise: Notes, Goals, and Resources (these people just keep talking about crossfit)

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So the new workout plan started yesterday and the new diet is starting today. It should be fun to track any progress with the new scale.

For the past 3 or so months I've been working on getting my lifts back to where they were before we moved. I had to take like 2 months off since I didn't have my equipment with me. Now that I'm back, I'm adjusting my workout plan and increasing my calories.

have you got a home gym setup?

I came back from skiing yesterday to notice the wife had ordered some rings to also hang from the bar, part of her working on pull up progressions.. I figure if she or I buy a few more things I wont have to pay for the membership anymore....

have you got a home gym setup?

I came back from skiing yesterday to notice the wife had ordered some rings to also hang from the bar, part of her working on pull up progressions.. I figure if she or I buy a few more things I wont have to pay for the membership anymore....
Yeah. I just have a few things:

  • Squat rack, 45lb bar, plates
  • Small lifting platform
  • Rings and straps (I use them on the pull-up bar on the squat rack for ring dips)
  • Kettlebells (25lb and 35lb)
  • Weight belt with various smaller plates (that way I don't have to use my barbell plates)
Thinking about making a box for box jumps.

Even if it takes 5 years to make my money back vs a gym, I at least get to work out on my own schedule, don't spend gas driving to a gym, the wife can use stuff (when she's not pregnant  lol), and if I miss a month or two it's not like I'm paying for a membership that's not getting used.

That's not even including any recovery costs if I ever sell the equipment.

Okay.  Starting March 1st I am going to try and do a 3x/week work out schedule.  I want to get the number down more and I feel like I have been kinda lax (very 'oh if I don't go Wednesday, I'll go Thursday', and pushing off what I can do today).

This is mostly an accountability post so I don't forget.

What time of the day do you guys workout? Has anyone experimented with morning vs noon vs afternoon/evening to see how it affected your numbers and the rest of the day?

I've only worked out between the 3-5pm time frame. I'm wondering if it would be worth to to wake up an hour earlier and workout before work. But I'm not sure how my energy levels will be shortly after waking up.

Starting March 1st I am going to try and do a 3x/week work out schedule.
Like MWF + Kickboxing Saturday?

Like MWF + Kickboxing Saturday?
Yes.  Or a MWTh schedule + weekend class.  Kickboxing will be changing to the couch to 5k class in a couple of weeks, but I want to try and get into the gym more.  Two of the classes during the week would be the normal 5:30pm boot camp classes and the Wednesday class would be the slightly later 6:30pm strength class.  I just need to get more serious about this instead of waffling back and forth of 'oh my legs hurt, I feel tired, blah blah blah'.  

I think I can track my food through fitbit (I think they had partnered with myfitnesspal, so it's a similar food list?).  I just wish my exercise was better tracked on my fitbit.  It used to auto-track my boot camp, but I think because we take mini-breaks/it's not a 'continuous' 15-minutes, it no longer counts as exercise?  Does record all my ridiculous heart rate info, though, which whatever.

What time of the day do you guys workout? Has anyone experimented with morning vs noon vs afternoon/evening to see how it affected your numbers and the rest of the day?

I've only worked out between the 3-5pm time frame. I'm wondering if it would be worth to to wake up an hour earlier and workout before work. But I'm not sure how my energy levels will be shortly after waking up.

I'm not an expert like a lot of the others here, but I exercise first thing in the morning.  I find I have more energy for the work day this way.  The last thing I want to do after work is go work out.

I'm not an expert like a lot of the others here, but I exercise first thing in the morning.  I find I have more energy for the work day this way.  The last thing I want to do after work is go work out.
Same. Although if I wasn’t cheap and had a gym membership I don’t think I’d mind giving the after work workout schedule a try.

What time of the day do you guys workout? Has anyone experimented with morning vs noon vs afternoon/evening to see how it affected your numbers and the rest of the day?

I've only worked out between the 3-5pm time frame. I'm wondering if it would be worth to to wake up an hour earlier and workout before work. But I'm not sure how my energy levels will be shortly after waking up.

Like MWF + Kickboxing Saturday?
So the answer to your question is yes. Here's my weekly workout schedule.

Morning: I work out 3x a week at 6:00 AM (brick workout = high impact spin + run, then ab workout). 

Evening: I work out 2x a week as late as 7 to 8 PM (low impact workout after dinner like power walking on the treadmill).

Afternoon: I work out 1x on the weekend whenever my family will let me (yoga or spin) lol. Sometime between 10AM and 3PM. 


I used to do two-a-days back when I was in undergrad. I worked out at 5:30 AM and then again at 7ish PM. I really like morning workouts. I feel like I'm using everything in me to get through it and I feel fresh and energized. I can sometimes feel heavy and sluggish at the end of the day. Nowadays, I just feel tired at the end of the day. Hence the reason why I just throw something in to get moving, even if it's not high impact. 

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Yeah. I just have a few things:

  • Squat rack, 45lb bar, plates
  • Small lifting platform
  • Rings and straps (I use them on the pull-up bar on the squat rack for ring dips)
  • Kettlebells (25lb and 35lb)
  • Weight belt with various smaller plates (that way I don't have to use my barbell plates)
Thinking about making a box for box jumps.

Even if it takes 5 years to make my money back vs a gym, I at least get to work out on my own schedule, don't spend gas driving to a gym, the wife can use stuff (when she's not pregnant  lol), and if I miss a month or two it's not like I'm paying for a membership that's not getting used.

That's not even including any recovery costs if I ever sell the equipment.
I'm building out a home gym. I have bands and free weights, treadmill, spin bike, and a workout bench. I want to add kettlebells and some other larger piece of equipment. Not sure what. I want something like a mid size functional training machine. But I like your idea to make a box for box jumps, step ups, etc.

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What time of the day do you guys workout? Has anyone experimented with morning vs noon vs afternoon/evening to see how it affected your numbers and the rest of the day?
I always worked out in the evening as I am not a morning person. 

However, nowadays I have to be with my son 4 pm onward (as that's when my wife either goes to class and does her class work). So I have started waking up early to workout and I actually I like it. Some evening after a stressful day at work, I used to be too mentally exhausted to exercise. This is never the case with the morning workouts. its the first thing in the day and I feel fresh. Interestingly, I also feel more focused at work after my workout. 

For the last 6 months I have been a "5 am'er" - mainly due to work - now that my body is set to wake up at 4 am 😞 Its old hat, but before then I was hit or miss, either going at 7 am depending on where I needed to be for work that day or getting it done after work.

I do personally like getting it out of the way early, even though I I am happier to be done at 6 am than I am to crawl out of bed at 4:10 AM. But I  dont think there is any real benefit towards working out at a certain type of day,  when my kids were younger it would have been impossible to do a morning workout since the wife worked nights - so I could only get it in either at lunch or after work.   Apparently you cant trust a 5 year old to get on the bus on time sadly... 

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For men, if you can workout closer to 8am, that is typically when testosterone peaks.  Beyond that, it's really a matter of what works best with respect to timing of meals and fatigue/recovery.  

Okay, I was trying to up my veggies, but I forgot that my body works best on an ultra-low carb diet...and carrots have a kinda high number of carbs/I've been using them as my primary veggie snack.  Got to switch back to my grape tomatoes and more leafy greens.  I had been getting an awesome kale salad from Costco (shredded kale + broccoli + Brussels sprouts + etc.), but I don't really like the dressing that comes with it/they give too much.  Might switch back to getting a huge clamshell of spring mix.  I love spinach, but it gets kinda funky in the fridge.  Don't want to go into a keto thing, just got to lower my carbs.  Tracked my meals yesterday and it was like 50% carbs.  D'oh!

50% Seems pretty high for someone who does better on low carbs. From my understanding ~25% calories from carbs is a std "low carb" diet. How low do you normally go?

For Carbs/Protein/Fat I'm 33.5%/35%/31.5%.

Do you just feel kind of blah when your carbs are too high?

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Reading through some of the top comments from a video of Eddie Hall's 500kg deadlift:

"He sexually identifies as a construction crane."

"A 40 carat diamond was formed in his rectum during that lift."

"This dude once killed two stones with one bird."

And the best one...

"This is not the world record, not even close. In April of 2006 not only did my ex-wife lift my house right from under me but she walked away with it."

It's not that I feel 'blah' when my carbs are too high, it's more that I've realized that my body really, really, really, likes carbs due to previous medical issues and likes to hold onto them no matter what.  I think I was on a modified low-carb/low-calorie diet when I did a kickboxing 6-week crash course.  Has 5 'meals' a day, two of which were protein shakes, but only allowed carbs at 2 of the meals.  I know I lost a ton of weight because the calories were way more restrictive, but I think the higher protein diet with lower carbs did really help a lot since I felt more full?  Also, I have kinda stopped eating bread since that, which I think it what has helped me keep the weight down, but I want to get kinda aggressive to see how much weight I can lose before my friends wedding in May.

Reading through some of the top comments from a video of Eddie Hall's 500kg deadlift:

"He sexually identifies as a construction crane."

"A 40 carat diamond was formed in his rectum during that lift."

"This dude once killed two stones with one bird."

And the best one...

"This is not the world record, not even close. In April of 2006 not only did my ex-wife lift my house right from under me but she walked away with it."
I have a feeling Thor will be far less dramatic when he beats the record at WUS this year...
