Nutrition, Diet, and Exercise: Notes, Goals, and Resources (these people just keep talking about crossfit)

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Thoughts to this group:

Bought a huge box of Quaker Oatmeal packets at Costco because the price was great (they were on sale, so it was like $5).  I wanted to eat these for breakfast, but I'm worried about the sugar content.  Currently I eat at work at around 7:00/7:30am; I know, not within a half hour of me waking up.  I was thinking of switching my breakfast back to a protein shake (25g), but then I am sooooo hungry by like 11am, whereas the oatmeal keeps me pretty full until 12:00pm.

Should I switch fully back to the shake?  Or maybe do an every other day with the oatmeal so I'm not doing a ton of sugar in the morning?


While a lot of sugar isn't good, I'd pay more attention to the calorie content than sugar content.  If it's going to stop you from picking on something or overeating at lunch, it's probably an acceptable tradeoff.

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Thoughts to this group:

Bought a huge box of Quaker Oatmeal packets at Costco because the price was great (they were on sale, so it was like $5).  I wanted to eat these for breakfast, but I'm worried about the sugar content.  Currently I eat at work at around 7:00/7:30am; I know, not within a half hour of me waking up.  I was thinking of switching my breakfast back to a protein shake (25g), but then I am sooooo hungry by like 11am, whereas the oatmeal keeps me pretty full until 12:00pm.

Should I switch fully back to the shake?  Or maybe do an every other day with the oatmeal so I'm not doing a ton of sugar in the morning?

If it's like one of the flavored packs (maple & brown sugar, peaches & cream, etc.) they're like ~30g carbs, of which 12g is from sugar? That's not bad. 

What is the nutrition content of your protein shake? Specifically the total carbs and sugars?

Oats are generally full of complex carbs which take a while to be broken down by the body and as a result keep you feeling full longer. Compared to simple carbs (like sugar), which are broken down and absorbed very quickly. I know a lot of protein mixes out there contain a decent amount of sugar (which is usually a majority of the total carbs), so they're not really good for keeping you feeling full for a long time.

I use a protein isolate (0 carbs, mainly because I can't have lactose) so I eat a banana with it for carbs. The banana contains both fructose (simple) and starches (complex), so I get a little bit of both. But that generally only holds me over until ~9:30am then I eat the tuna and boiled eggs, which essentially contains no carbs. Then I get hungry again at 11am, and that's when I have more protein (chicken) and carbs (orange). Then the cycle repeats at 3pm and 6pm. I try to get most of my carbs from fruit, because they also contain good fiber. I'll go for a more complex carb for dinner to keep me full until morning.

While a lot of sugar isn't good, I'd pay more attention to the calorie content than sugar content.  If it's going to stop you from picking on something or overeating at lunch, it's probably an acceptable tradeoff.
Yeah, calories seem to range from 130 to 160 per packet and I only mix with water, so it's not going too far down the rabbit hole I think.

@Chattaneer PE, I have a 6lb bag of MusclePharm Combat that I'm slowly working my way through (for a period of time I was doing some heavy protein drinking when I first got back into working out as a post-workout recovery).  Calories 140 per scoop with total carbs at 5g, 2g as sugar and 1g as fiber.  I've been eating a couple of mandarins like an hour or two later, but I think they have a lot of sugar/I'm not sure how healthy they are even though they're a fruit?

I think I need to go back on my low-carb/high protein diet I was doing with kickboxing, but my palette was so sad doing that even with spices.  Like, I ate a slice of bread yesterday and it was the best thing in the world.  

Calories 140 per scoop with total carbs at 5g, 2g as sugar and 1g as fiber.  I've been eating a couple of mandarins like an hour or two later, but I think they have a lot of sugar/I'm not sure how healthy they are even though they're a fruit?
Sugar from fruit is generally good (even though it's a simple sugar) and the fiber is good. Looks like there's hardly any carbs in the protein shake, which could be why you're getting hungry even with the mandarins (plus your metabolism is increasing with exercise). Are you taking it with water or milk?

A protein shake, mandarin, plus oatmeal seems like a good breakfast that should hold you over until lunch.

Don't know about their mass gainer, but I liked their regular cookies and cream flavored protein powder.  I used to get it when I was a Costco member.

Sugar from fruit is generally good (even though it's a simple sugar) and the fiber is good. Looks like there's hardly any carbs in the protein shake, which could be why you're getting hungry even with the mandarins (plus your metabolism is increasing with exercise). Are you taking it with water or milk?

A protein shake, mandarin, plus oatmeal seems like a good breakfast that should hold you over until lunch.
Wait, are you saying I could literally eat all of those things?  I feel like that is too much.

I think I need to start tracking calories again, but it's difficult since I make a lot of stuff at home and those type of food calculators (where you put everything in and it makes a per serving estimate) have really not been that accurate I feel.  Ughghghgionjkjgilkvsd/.

Being healthy is difficult.  I want to get fat again.

Wait, are you saying I could literally eat all of those things?  I feel like that is too much.

I think I need to start tracking calories again, but it's difficult since I make a lot of stuff at home and those type of food calculators (where you put everything in and it makes a per serving estimate) have really not been that accurate I feel.  Ughghghgionjkjgilkvsd/.

Being healthy is difficult.  I want to get fat again.








Peaches & Cream

Instant Oatmeal






1 Scoop, in water

JK Protein






1 Med., 2-1/2"







That's only 325 calories, so definitely not a lot.

Don't know about their mass gainer, but I liked their regular cookies and cream flavored protein powder.  I used to get it when I was a Costco member.
Just looked up the cookies. The chocolate chip ones look good, and dangerous lol.

I would totally recommend eating all of those things. Fuel your body, yo. Don't be a 1950's housewife. You're an athlete. 

@Chattaneer PE, I did that and it said I should consume around 2100 calories per day to maintain.  Which, tbh, sounds way too high.  I always heard 1500 calories to lose a pound a week, 2000 to maintain (give or take)?  I think I need to keep a better eye on my potions and what I'm exactly eating with more protein and less rice (though I love jasmine rice so much as a base for curries/stew).  Uggggh.  I'm going to have to start doing myfitnesspal again and I hate it.  I don't mind modifying my eating/following a meal plan or anything like that.  I just haaaaaaate counting.

yeah that same link said I could have 3800 cal a day!

BRB , headed to Arbys! then also maybe Wendys...

I do think you have to have an accurate RMR for the calorie tracking to work -

1500 cals 'is not a lot of food. The wife is 130 # ish and her number's were around 2200 cal a day to maintain - she shoots for 2000. 

Most of us fall under Sedentary to Light activity levels. The thing to remember is the options are not talking about your workouts, they're talking about your lifestyle. It's not like many engineers are loading/unloading heavy stuff for 8 hours a day. A majority of our day is either sitting or walking around.

@JayKay PE 2100 Calories seems about right for most people.

@Road Guy Did you use Moderate?

It calculates my BMR to be about 1,614 which seems fairly accurate.

I workout 3x per week, lifting weights, for about 1hr each session, and the "Sedentary" option seems to be exactly how much I burn daily. 

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Uggggh.  I'm going to have to start doing myfitnesspal again and I hate it.  I don't mind modifying my eating/following a meal plan or anything like that.  I just haaaaaaate counting.
I like just making a plan ahead of time so I don't have to count. It's easier for me to determine what I can eat for the day and just stick with it, rather than winging it. And I like basic foods because it makes it easier to calculate.

Moderate gives me 3400 cals / day  - I picked strenuous because I am generally laying on the floor at the end of the workouts 🙂  (5 days a week) plus usually skiing or running on the weekend

Moderate gives me 3400 cals / day  - I picked strenuous because I am generally laying on the floor at the end of the workouts 🙂  (5 days a week) plus usually skiing or running on the weekend
How much did your BF testing say you could eat?

Looking back I guess its closer than I recalled, it said my RMR was 2400 cals/ day and I could consume 3351- I have been shooting to stay under 3000.  But I dont really weight myself much - dont have a scale - Just gong by the holes in the belt...

Got this pull up / muscle up bar up a few weeks ago - (yeah right on the muscle ups)

But the wife has been using it to work on pull ups - so today I had to make these short people platforms for her //

