NFL season 2019

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i enjoyed some of the sparring on the field last night, But I think after the 2nd penalty they should have thrown the OL and the LB that were getting into it out of the game, it drug out a fairly horrible MNF game.

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Just saw  John Cena on TNF talking to Michael Strahan and Cena was noticeably smaller than Strahan- weird how large these dudes really are when we see them dwarfing regular folks (like John Cena)! Lol

Also this was the first TNF game I watched and I have to say I liked the close in shots they do during the play versus the "standard" shots - thought that was pretty cool.

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Weird that game was on here in Denver but I enjoyed it!

Watching the Packers / panthers game yesterday it sure likes that last run with time expiring was a TD- (Not that I give a shit about the panthers) but how far away do you think we are from the NFL putting some type of chip in the football and sensors along the goal line to determine it it was a score or not? Surely that technology is already here!

Hahaha... the news here in Cincy is starting to ask whether people are hoping for a couple wins or the 1st round draft pick. Guess we’re officially calling the season over. I guess I’d have to go with a couple wins because the owners are experts at either squandering draft picks or ruining good players careers by surrounding them with untalented buffoons.

Agree - It seems to be a common theme among the teams that rarely every get it right (Browns, Bengals, Dolphins, Falcons, Broncos(since Elway)) so I am not sure why people think that a few wins is a bad thing, I mean if the team "really" wants to move up from #4 to #1 they can usually do it.

I wonder if Stafford ever thinks about had he stayed at UGA another season he would have probably been the first round pick in 2010 draft instead of 2009 and he would be playing for the Rams, living in LA and
1. Not living in Detroit
2. Not a Detroit Lion

Jimmy G looked amazing last year. Not so much this year. He seems like the average "game-manager" type of QB. He's not going to kill you, but also isn't going to win you any games. The Niners have been dominating on the strength of their defense and their run game.

I caught the last quarter (plus extra time) of last night's game. Didn't really see how Jimmy G did, but felt really badly for the Niners poor kicker who totally shanked (though I thought shanking was only hitting the golf ball to the right?) that game-winning field goal. It was too much pressure for the guy, I think.
