NFL Football 2011

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I do think that Denver's defense deserves some credit for how bad Sanchez looked yesterday. It was supposed to be a blowout. The mighty Jets, with Rex Ryan and Mark Sanchez, were supposed to destroy to hapless Denver Broncos. I mean, that is a Super Bowl caliber team...are not they? Now, just because they lost to the Broncos, now are in the same league as Miami, Oakland, and Kansas City.
At the beginning of the year they might have been "super bowl hopefuls" but as the season progressed it was obvious they weren't.

I liked seeing Dumervil out there getting some sacks and Powell playing his first NFL game.

so mad last night...since the rams and bears were playing at the same time, the tv stations in the area decided to play the rams game instead of the Bears game.

Great they won, sad that cutler may be out the rest of the season with a broken thumb.

The tampa bay/cheesehead game was close. would have liked to see them kick the cheeseheads butt, alas too many late game problems.

yah know the Falcons are the only team who has stayed within 10 points of the Packers this year :0

^Panthers lost by 7 to the Pack the second week. That was back when the defense played halfway respectably. If they played now, GB would probably score 60...

Right now, they have Chicago and KC as the top contenders for Orton to be picked up during the regular season. Suggesting that no teams who aren't in playoff contention will want to make a move, so they wouldn't have to pay the $2.5M remaining on his contract.

Cutler's out for the rest of the regular season, and they want a "veteran" backup.

They are towards the bottom of the list to pick him up via waiver. IF someone else doesn't grab him first, they might hire him after the waiver period so they can pay him less than ~$2.8 million left on his contract from the broncos
