Tebow gets a lot of attention because he was a great college football player. He got a lot of attention when he played at Florida. I think the media attention now is because most people didn't figure his skills would translate to the NFL but the Broncos picked him in the first round anyway. I think the attention now is more morbid curiosity more then anything. There have been plenty of great college players (Heisman Trophy Winners) who haven't translated to the NFL only time will tell if Tebow is another one of those players.
And speaking of annoying NFL coverage, can we please stop showing Peyton Manning on the sidelines at Colts games? I realize his team is garabage and not really worth watching but we really don't need 20 minutes of airtime per broadcast devoted to showing shots of him looking constipated on the sidelines.
And speaking of annoying NFL coverage, can we please stop showing Peyton Manning on the sidelines at Colts games? I realize his team is garabage and not really worth watching but we really don't need 20 minutes of airtime per broadcast devoted to showing shots of him looking constipated on the sidelines.

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