NFL Football 2011

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Tebow gets a lot of attention because he was a great college football player. He got a lot of attention when he played at Florida. I think the media attention now is because most people didn't figure his skills would translate to the NFL but the Broncos picked him in the first round anyway. I think the attention now is more morbid curiosity more then anything. There have been plenty of great college players (Heisman Trophy Winners) who haven't translated to the NFL only time will tell if Tebow is another one of those players.

And speaking of annoying NFL coverage, can we please stop showing Peyton Manning on the sidelines at Colts games? I realize his team is garabage and not really worth watching but we really don't need 20 minutes of airtime per broadcast devoted to showing shots of him looking constipated on the sidelines.


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MNF was ugly but the Bears won. Hester got hurt...not a huge loss since he is never consistent, when he does something it is just more of an added bonus.

Why the universal hate for the guy? Did he do something in college that turned everyone off? (not a college football fan so I don't know)

I don't think he's a starting caliber QB, but people rip the guy left and right and he seems like a decent dude.
I think (at least from my standpoint) that he and Newton have been shoved down our throats for the last few years and I'm just sick of hearing about them... I think Newton has lied/cheated and stole his way through life so far... I think Tebow is a class act, I'm just sick of hearing the fan boys.... I guess it all boils down to my dislike of anyone the media tries to raise to "god status"...

ngnrd - PE said:
MNF was great! As a 'Skins fan, I was rooting for Chicago. And as a Lions fan, my wife was rooting for Philly. But I will say that the refs blew a couple of big calls. At least they weren't all for one team... it was equal opportunity incompetence.

Does Cutler always seem like he just got fired 10 minutes ago? I don't think I ever saw any expression except a scowl, even after exceptional plays... What gives?
Yes he does. He is a very introverted person on the field. The cameras always show him off by himself when the defense is on the field. But seeing as who he has to take play calls from I would probably be the same way. He has taken a beating over and over again and doesn't really get to play the way he likes to play. He's just there for a paycheck.

i thought last night was a pretty good game, always enjoy watching the iggles lose!

Help me out here. I am not a football savy but; It is not embarrassing what the Broncos are doing? Come on man. If the kid is not good enough just cut him and finish the charade. But to humiliate someone in front of thousands of people is just wrong. It is clear that Tebow does not have the trust of the coaching staff. It is also clear that he is not making any obvious progress in his passing game. But to call only 8 passing plays vs 55(plus??) running plays is too obvious.

I do believe Denver is trying to show their fans that #15 is not good enough and that is the reason he is playing. The problem is that they are winning, if you want to see it that way, and I am pretty sure they wish they lose those games so the QB is benched for good...end of the story.

Tebow is not helping himself completing only 2 out of 8 passes(did not see the game so I go with the stats) but if that is the case, if the guy cannot do more than what he is doing, bench him and move on. There is no need to humiliate him in that way. It is embarrassing for both the player and the organization. Hopefully this Thursday the Jets will put him out of his misery but I am wondering what would happen if Denver gets another ugly victory.

Go Bears! I missed the bench clearing brawl while I was making dinner...Darn it. I suspect there will be a lot of fines this week from that game for fight and some of the hits and another $5k fine for wearing the orange shoes for veterans day.

Help me out here. I am not a football savy but; It is not embarrassing what the Broncos are doing? Come on man. If the kid is not good enough just cut him and finish the charade. But to humiliate someone in front of thousands of people is just wrong. It is clear that Tebow does not have the trust of the coaching staff. It is also clear that he is not making any obvious progress in his passing game. But to call only 8 passing plays vs 55(plus??) running plays is too obvious.

I do believe Denver is trying to show their fans that #15 is not good enough and that is the reason he is playing. The problem is that they are winning, if you want to see it that way, and I am pretty sure they wish they lose those games so the QB is benched for good...end of the story.

Tebow is not helping himself completing only 2 out of 8 passes(did not see the game so I go with the stats) but if that is the case, if the guy cannot do more than what he is doing, bench him and move on. There is no need to humiliate him in that way. It is embarrassing for both the player and the organization. Hopefully this Thursday the Jets will put him out of his misery but I am wondering what would happen if Denver gets another ugly victory.
The problem with the Broncos right now is thay they insist on playing just good enough to be an "also ran." They're not good enough to get anywhere close to the postseason, and they're too good to get in on some of the better draft picks. I see this team staying in the middle of the pack for a while.

^^^ I doubt the solution to that problem is to expose Tebow's lack of passing skills. The coaches are playing for the crowd instead of doing their darn job. Does it worth it to embarrass someone just to make a point? That is wrong, I thought that the coaches' job was to prepare the team to win, not make a fool of one of his players.

Snick...I missed the fight. What happened? Was Suh involved? I bet he was.

^ it was building up for a while. Lions player big guy but not Suh took cutler down hard roughing the passer penalty. Then a couple plays later a bears player was a little rough taking a lion down. This is when I left the room. a few plays later apparently a lions player nearly took a bears player head off. twisting the neck to pull the helmet off or something like that and it was bad enough to clear the benchs. I missed it so that was how mr snick described it to me. 2 players got ejected. 1 lion 1 bear players. they replayed the plays leading up to brawl but not the play that caused the brawl, slightly bummed about that. THe benchs don't usually clear in NFL football.

^^^ I doubt the solution to that problem is to expose Tebow's lack of passing skills. The coaches are playing for the crowd instead of doing their darn job. Does it worth it to embarrass someone just to make a point? That is wrong, I thought that the coaches' job was to prepare the team to win, not make a fool of one of his players.
I think their play calling is doing 2 things, and you nailed the first. The second thing (and the coach's justification), is that they're seeing what they have to work with and whether or not it's a sustainable winning formula.

It's working for now, but all it's going to take is a decent defense to load down the box and force Tebow to beat them with his arm (which he's proven so far he cant). I think they're hoping that in the time it takes the opposing teams to figure out how to plan for this run-happy offense, that Tebow learns to actually pass the ball. I think the next series of plays they would be working on would be the addition of the screen pass. I wouldn't expect any kind of legitimate deep threat from the Broncos until next season at best.

I wouldn't expect any kind of legitimate deep threat from the Broncos until next season at best.
Think that I understand what you are saying and it is ironic. His TD pass yesterday was a deep one. I thought that maybe it was a Catch & Run thing but it was a beauty on the right side of the field. But the question is, of course, can it be a consistent threat?

We will see. I have to admit that would like to see Tebow and the Broncos being successful. I like the kid. Would like to see someone, who is not a crook, a killer, or a felon, having success in the NFL. But it looks like all the praise is for the spectacular ones, regardless their moral values.

But #15 is many moons away from being a quality QB in the NFL and sadly that is a fact. Denver threw him to the lions way too early. He was and is not ready. It is doing what he can though. Do not bet against him. As one of the analysts said, he has always been a winner at every level he has played.

On the other end of the spectrum is Cam Newton. They all didn't think he could make it, then after week 2 they thought he was a superstar, but yesterday seemed like they figured him out. He looked totally confused. I guess the only thing worse would still being a Redskin fan.....aaarrrrggghhh!
