NFL Football 2011

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Rodgers and the Packers are the main story in the NFL. #12 seems to be in control and the confidence he shows no matter the situation is amazing. I made the comment about the 49rs to my son last night. Alex Smith was buried by his former coaches. It is nice to see him bouncing back and playing well.
I saw the end of the Giants game the other night. The Pack was straight money on the final drive, just a flawless 2-minute drill.

I could not care less for the Lions. They are winning but maybe they need to have another 0-16 season to teach them something. The way they behaved against the Saints and the incident involving Suh is embarrassing for the NFL.
The coach needs to get a better grip on his team before they melt down.

And the new allegations about Suh from over the weekend are worse than the on the field stuff.

The Colts are an incredibly story. There is no explanation to that one except that it was by design. If they land the 1st pick they are in the drivers seat. They can trade or do whatever they want. I have learned that everything is possible in this world.
They're between a rock and a hard place. You either stick with an aging QB who may be great next year but is one bad shot to the neck from hanging them up for good, or some unproven rookie. Hype and predictions are meaningless. Top 'can't miss' draft picks bomb all the time.

Yeah, but they did OK with their last can't miss top QB pick. Some Manning guy. He was no Ryan Leaf, but not bad.

I'm glad the STEELERS won, but I'm pissed knowing the NFL is going to fine James Harrison again.

I think its total BullShit, and the play should not have even been a penalty:

1. Colt McCoy tucked the ball, ran out of the pocket and was heading towards the sidelines to get a first down. That makes him a running back, IMO

2. IT'S FREAKIN FOOTBALL. you're supposed to tackle a guy who is trying to get a 1st down, on a late 4th qtr drive.

3. If Colt was standing in the pocket, released a pass, and Harrison hit him like that, then fine, throw a flag. BUT that was not the case.



Unfortunately for the Steelers, Harrison has developed a bit of a reputation. A reputation that means that if a play is a borderline penalty (I didn't see this one so i can't tell if it was close or not) he is going to get flagged for it 99.9% of the time. That's the downside of playing the game the way he does.

Especially when you lead with the crown of your helmet and hit the guy in the facemask. It was the very definition of helmet-to-helmet. Combine that with his reputation and the fact he has been fined multiple times and had conversations with the Commissioner over what is/is not legal, I wouldn't be surprised if he is suspended for a game.

Here's an idea: LEARN HOW TO TACKLE PROPERLY!!! You don't need to leave your feet and spear every person you are trying to tackle. How about learning to use your arms and wrap someone up to take them to the ground? It's not like tackling is some unknown, long-forgotten art from ages ago...

Some players are more valuable than others from the perspective of the teams and league. Rodgers, Brady, Brees, etc. put butts in seats and couches. The second string long snapper for the Jaguars doesn't.

Especially when you lead with the crown of your helmet and hit the guy in the facemask. It was the very definition of helmet-to-helmet. Combine that with his reputation and the fact he has been fined multiple times and had conversations with the Commissioner over what is/is not legal, I wouldn't be surprised if he is suspended for a game.

Here's an idea: LEARN HOW TO TACKLE PROPERLY!!! You don't need to leave your feet and spear every person you are trying to tackle. How about learning to use your arms and wrap someone up to take them to the ground? It's not like tackling is some unknown, long-forgotten art from ages ago...
Couldn't Disagree more. Harrison was head up, facing up. Just the way you TACKLE PROPERLY. It is unsafe for the tackler to put their head down, that is how spinal injuries happen.

ngnrd said it above, if it were a running back or anyone else, no problem.

The replay at the 1:00 mark clearly shows Harrison lowering his head so that the crown of his helmet hits squarely in McCoy's facemask. It also shows that he brought his arms in to hit and push instead of wrap and tackle. This was obviously a helmet-to-helmet hit with no intention of "tackling".

Especially when you lead with the crown of your helmet and hit the guy in the facemask. It was the very definition of helmet-to-helmet. Combine that with his reputation and the fact he has been fined multiple times and had conversations with the Commissioner over what is/is not legal, I wouldn't be surprised if he is suspended for a game.

Here's an idea: LEARN HOW TO TACKLE PROPERLY!!! You don't need to leave your feet and spear every person you are trying to tackle. How about learning to use your arms and wrap someone up to take them to the ground? It's not like tackling is some unknown, long-forgotten art from ages ago...
Couldn't Disagree more. Harrison was head up, facing up. Just the way you TACKLE PROPERLY. It is unsafe for the tackler to put their head down, that is how spinal injuries happen.

ngnrd said it above, if it were a running back or anyone else, no problem.
Last night I thought that Harrison hit the QB even when he saw the ball was thrown already. After watching it again, I have no doubts. He deserved the flag. It is clear he lead with the helmet.

At no point did I differentiate between QB, RB, WR, or even lineman. My point is entirely based on the blatent "non-tackle" hit. He was going for a tackle, but instead decided to lower his head and ram the guy with his helmet. If he had put in the same force but instead shifted his head to the side and put his shoulderpad into McCoys' chest/stomach while wrapping his arms around him, I would be offering congrats on a solid hit.

The Palomalo hit should have also been a flag, I wont deny that (although I will admit I never saw it until you pointed it out). I have no idea why that wasn't called, but I will note that there are dozens of calls that aren't made in EVERY game simply because the officials didn't see them. IMO it's not due to preferential treatement, it's about what everyone is watching. The QB's have the ball every down, so naturally the officials are watching them every down. A WR may only see 2-3 passes sent their way and be involved in blocking schemes directly involved in the play a few more, so consequently they aren't watched as much (at least until the ball is coming their way).

Harrison may have lowered his helmet, but my stance remains the same. The NFL is trying to Pu$$ify the game, and its B.S. They are doing it in the 'name of safety' but are very selective of who they protect.

If I want to watch something without bone crushing hits, I'd stay down at the PeeWee field on Sundays. I want to see NFL players playing at full speed and at full contact. If Colt McCoy or anyone else doesn't like it, they can turn down their $5million paycheck and come watch the PeeWee games with me.

I've said it on here before, every new rule in the NFL over the past 10 years as all been driven by fantasy football. FIND ME A NEW RULE that doesn't.

Rules about pass interference, receivers are now protected, can't hit em across the middle, tuck rule for QB's, protection rules for QB's, etc.etc.

ALL the new rules result in more offense and less defense. The NFL wants points on the board, they don't want a good ole' fashioned 6-3 defensive game.

Some of the all time greats like Ronnie Lott, Mel Blount, Deacon Jones, etc. wouldn't even be stand out players today because the way they played is now illegal.

It's a shame.

If any of you buy into the pu$$ification of it because of safety, then I have some artificial genuine snake oil that I can sell ya.

I listened to the first 3 quarters of the Pats game while driving home from NY yesterday. There were several times on I-84 in central CT where I considered driving off a bridge or into a retaining wall.

They made Grossman look like the second coming of Sonny Jurgensen in Washington.

Half the defensive secondary is comprised of backup WRs at this point!

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The NFL is trying to Pu$$ify the game, and its B.S. They are doing it in the 'name of safety' but are very selective of who they protect.
Did anyone see the personal foul that was called on London Fletcher for hitting Tom Brady because Fletcher "hit Brady in the head with his forearm"? That was a bullplop call. Brady went to slide way to late and got hit on the way down. It was clean hit and Fletchers forearm was nowhere near Brady's head, but because it is Tom Brady the penalty flag came out. Really really bad call.
