Last thing watched on netflix / Amazon..................

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we did suffer through the whole SOA series but I had just forgotten most of it.. was trying to find something else to watch but doesn't seem to be too much out there ----- gave up near beginning of season 2

I heard they are making a mayans spin off?  But I think SOA had a major chic following... well see if they can recreate that..

Also LOL I saw a dude on a motorcycle wearing a SMACRO leather jacket.  Occasionally well see a real MC club passing through rural CO and I imagine they wouldn't take too kindly to that?

@thekzieg a lot of my friends are raving about that series.  I have it on my "To watch" list but it will have to wait until I finish binge watching Stranger Things S2.

@thekzieg a lot of my friends are raving about that series.  I have it on my "To watch" list but it will have to wait until I finish binge watching Stranger Things S2.
I suspect I'm about half way through, and am really enjoying it so far.  We're in the same boat with ST, though.

Mr. Kzieg decided that he should work at a company that sends him on business trips over halloween, so we're gonna have to wait to binge on ST2. 😩

Wife and I started watching Stranger Things last night. Got through the first two episodes and like it so far. Wife said she couldn't sleep very well last night because she kept trying to figure out some of the upcoming plot twists.

Finished season 1 of Stranger Things last night. We'll try to get through season 2 this week.


Haven't even started ST2 yet.  Was Junior's birthday yesterday, and the MIL was here all weekend.  Killed off all my Netflix time.
