Kids of EB

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It's Friday! Tonight will be Tex Jr's last first football game. (Well, tonight's game is technically a scrimmage.)

so glad minisnick and his best buddy did NOT get in the same Pre-K class....otheriwse I'd likely have already been called by the teacher for bad behavior. FOund out this morning his buddy got in big trouble this first week of school. Evidently he talked back to the teacher when she told him to pick up the toys and instigates the other kids to chase him around the classroom.
They had to split my son and another kid at daycare. My kid is a trouble maker in the sense of getting into cabinets or climbing stuff he isn't supposed to, the other kid was bully. Apparently he was the biggest in the class and would take toys and stuff from other kids. Well mini-vent is very big for his age and doesn't take crap from anybody so when the other kid took a toy from my son he ripped it back out of the other kids hand at which point he punched at my son. Mini-vent then took the toy and smashed the other kids face, full on bruised and swollen check for a week. After that they moved my kid up a class which I was glad about, I didn't need anymore of that stuff happening.

It was one of those moments where I didn't know if I should be proud or ashamed, I settled on proud, wife chose ashamed.

Just for reference my kid had just turned 2 and the other kid was about 2.5 so hopefully in the future he will not be so quick to hit.

^ i'd be a little of both...but at that age they don't fully realize their strength. minisnick's buddy is just very observant of others and gets bored a little to quickly. he has an older brother so he hangs out with older kids a lot so their behavior rubs off on him. They were certain said talking back was a phrase the older brother taught him. His buddy is 2 months (to the day) younger than minisnick but he is a little on the thickside like future defensive line for the football team sort of thick....whereas minisnick is tall and lanky and probably better suited for basketball.

It's hard to show off your pride (even though the other kid deserved it), but certianly nothing to be ashamed of. good for vent-jr. for standing up for himself.

Same thing happened with Mini-Tex when has was in daycare. He was bigger than the kids his age and the teachers were afraid he would hurt the smaller kids, so they moved him up. It wasn't that he was violent or mean or anything...just a boy who could knock the other kids down if they were running around on the playground or having a "discussion" over who's turn it was to do something...

Mini-Dex#1 is going through the process of getting braces. We've been taking him in to get all of his molds and fittings done, and he went in this morning to get the rubberband spacers for the back teeth put in. He goes in tomorrow to get the first round of hardware installed.

Good thing about getting this done now while he's younger (just turned 8) is that it's much cheaper and it's faster. His treatment should be done in 6-8 months...

I'm surprised at how early they give kids braces now. I didn't have mine put on until I was 13, and I drove myself to my last appointment.

he already has all his adult teeth at 8?!
not them all, but by moving the ones he does have it will create space for the ones left to grow in. At least that's the theory we're working with. Could be worse, Mrs Dex had to have surgery when she was that age because her front 2 teeth had a gap between them big enough to fit her finger through. Mini-Dex has a similar gap, just not as big.

I had braces for 2.5 years while I was in HS. I think I was 14 when I got them, and also was able to drive to my last appointments.

After the first full week of school, the teacher sent home a newletter with what they have done all week and the songs they were learning. Now that we know what to ask about minisnick has started filling us in on things other "than we went outside and rode bikes".

I'm surprised at how early they give kids braces now. I didn't have mine put on until I was 13, and I drove myself to my last appointment.

I still had braces when I started my first engineering job. Of course, I didn't get them on until 19. Boy howdy did I get carded in college.

My kid is 9/24 and our cutoff is 9/15. I'm so glad he's older, because it has helped him so much. We can see the kids that are much younger struggle way more than he does. I was a young kid in school and I'm thinking an extra year would have given me a little more maturity.

gotta love it. minisnick has a tendency to put his underwear and shorts on backwards. while minisnick was getting dressed this morning he brings his underware over to me and points to the from of them and asks this is the place for the penis then points to the back and says that's the place for the butt right? Had to have he repeat his question because I was like what is what, i thought i misheard him the first time.

Don't kid yourself, he knows what's what. He's just using it for an excuse to say "penis" and "butt". I do the same thing.

^ Mr. YMZ was marveling at how fascinated our little ones are with their girly equivalents. Whenever they get naked, they do a sort of sumo squat and slap themselves singing "Cooch, cooch, bum, bum". He was like, "I thought only boys did that"...I told him I have all sorts of labial and vulvar jokes, he just needed to ask.

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if your kid ever refuses to put his own socks on, buy the neon green and orange soled socks and they will fight you to put them on by themself.

the socks certainly aren't going to last as long as his old hanes one, but gooly gee...night and day difference.

What about when your kid fights you every time he has to change out of his pajamas? I'm getting worn out with the daily pajama tantrums and I'm tempted to let him wear PJs all day. Or swim suit, because he's always happy to change into that.

Doesn't want to get out of PJ's? Drag the bugger outside and soak with water hose.

No, I have not personally done this, though I reaaaaaalllyyyyy want to at times. My wife would kill me.
