Taking suggestions
theres no hating of SAHMs...just making observations.
They had to split my son and another kid at daycare. My kid is a trouble maker in the sense of getting into cabinets or climbing stuff he isn't supposed to, the other kid was bully. Apparently he was the biggest in the class and would take toys and stuff from other kids. Well mini-vent is very big for his age and doesn't take crap from anybody so when the other kid took a toy from my son he ripped it back out of the other kids hand at which point he punched at my son. Mini-vent then took the toy and smashed the other kids face, full on bruised and swollen check for a week. After that they moved my kid up a class which I was glad about, I didn't need anymore of that stuff glad minisnick and his best buddy did NOT get in the same Pre-K class....otheriwse I'd likely have already been called by the teacher for bad behavior. FOund out this morning his buddy got in big trouble this first week of school. Evidently he talked back to the teacher when she told him to pick up the toys and instigates the other kids to chase him around the classroom.
Good thing about getting this done now while he's younger (just turned 8) is that it's much cheaper and it's faster. His treatment should be done in 6-8 months...
not them all, but by moving the ones he does have it will create space for the ones left to grow in. At least that's the theory we're working with. Could be worse, Mrs Dex had to have surgery when she was that age because her front 2 teeth had a gap between them big enough to fit her finger through. Mini-Dex has a similar gap, just not as big.he already has all his adult teeth at 8?!
I'm surprised at how early they give kids braces now. I didn't have mine put on until I was 13, and I drove myself to my last appointment.