Kids of EB

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Logic doesn't work for my son. He's not yet 2. One day it worked for me to ask him to "help" me put on his shirt, because he likes "helping." But the "you need to get dressed to play with your friends/go outside/go on a bike ride" doesn't seem to sink in. Oh well, it's probably just a phase.

My kid has to pick out his own clothes in the morning to be happy about changing. I usually get the kids ready in the morning and I had it down to a good system, I'd pick two pair of pants and two shirts that matched and he was happy to pick either of them for daycare. Then my wife had summer break (so she was taking them) and decided to move his clothes so he could reach them and let him pick them out b/c she could spend 15-20 min in the morning convincing him to wear matching clothes while playing in his room. I don't have that time in the morning so whatever he picks I just let him wear and it drives her nuts.

^ depends on the day but i either do the two options for him to choose or let him just choose on his own the entire outfit.

school uniforms FTW. Only choice they get is whether they want the blue polo or the white...

took minisnick to dr for get his ears checked out...looked like an ear infection to me. The last time we went in for an ear infection when the male physican assisstant wanted to look in his ears he figited, whined, was a royal PITA. The new nurse practicianer that saw him problems at all he was even giggling with her. He already has a type. He will do anything for Brunettes.

we gave minisnick the choice of a bowling party or chuck e cheese party for his birthday. we asked him several times over the course of the weekend to make sure and without a doubt he chose chuck e cheese. we even asked him if he knew what the place was and he said yes you eat then you get to play. So pizza and fun it is!

I was feeling kind of bad for going to an evening professional society meeting (ASHRAE), because I wouldn't see Lil Sapling until bedtime and I'd miss dinner time with him. Total unnecessary momma guilt. But, I'm somewhat active with my chapter and would have felt guilty for missing the meeting, too. I slipped out 10 minutes early and swung by the store to get some milk, because we were almost out. I get home. My husband and son are near the door, just about to go upstairs for a bath. My son runs toward me (like he always does when I get home) and shouts "MILK!" Normally, he says "Momma home!" I feel less guilty now that I know he's more excited about milk than me :)

so proud of minisnick. He tends to get shy/nervous with lots of kids and bounce house things because the older kids sort of bowl over the smaller ones. We went to a dinosaur exhibit thing this weekend and they had HUGE bouce house/inflateable slide things. minisnick was a little weary at first sticking to the obstacle course bounce things then the shorter set of slides...even that was probably 15ft tall. By the time he finished his second 10 minute turn he was super confident and pushing back against the bigger kids. The tallest slide was as tall as the second story in the bldg...crazy. That one took him awhile to buikd the courage to climb but once he did he loved it!!

My son and I played minecraft pocket edition together this evening via wifi, so we were in the same world. We decided to build a city, so I started out making the building shells and he went to town making the floors and decorating the insides. When I finally wandered over to the gold building to see what he had done, I was blown away. The images that follow are 100% the creativity of a 9 year old autistic kid (except the outside of the buildings which I did).


Main Street


Pool in the gold building


Lobby of gold building


Library floor

amazing how much pre-k has helped minisnick with being able to talk clearly. He still studders a little if he is excited but he is using grammar correctly and coherently.

We have a meeting with our 6yr old's 1st grade teacher. Apparently, my daughter has a bad habit of "acting like a 6-yr old" and the teacher is expecting her to act more like an adult...

We have a meeting with our 6yr old's 1st grade teacher. Apparently, my daughter has a bad habit of "acting like a 6-yr old" and the teacher is expecting her to act more like an adult...

"I don't think I want to know a six-year-old who isn't a dreamer, or a sillyheart. And I sure don't want to know one who takes their student career seriously. I don't have a college degree. I don't even have a job. But I know a good kid when I see one. Because they're ALL good kids, until dried-out, brain-dead skags like you drag them down and convince them they're no good. You so much as scowl at my niece, or any other kid in this school, and I hear about it, I'm coming looking for you! Take this quarter, go downtown, and have a rat gnaw that thing off your face! Good day to you, madam."

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Minisnick turns 4 tomorrow...crazy how fast time flies by. Bowling party on Saturday was a blast. They only managed to get 1 game in, but oh well. Family party this weekend at Chuck E cheese.

Got to make cupcakes tonight for minisnick to take to daycare. He is taking prepackaged rice krispies treats for Pre-K....they don't allow frosted anything and it has to be store bought.
