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Miz1 is starting pre-K and is loving it. His birthday is late August, so he gets held back a year. He is the oldest kid in pre-K by at least 3 weeks. we tour the schools around the area in October, debating between public and private. I don't think SWMBO knows how much private is in the area, I have a vague idea, but its one of those things if you have to ask, you can't afford it.

Miz2 just turned 2, but acts 5. He is our biggest challenge because he loves to "help". God bless him for at least putting forth the effort, but I don't know how many times he just about pulled a cutting board on his head.
The magic date in IL is Sept 1st. Minisnick has early october birthday so he will almost 6 when starts kindergarten. he will be the eldest of his friends in class. But not the pre-k, about half are second yr pre-kers

Miz1 is starting pre-K and is loving it. His birthday is late August, so he gets held back a year. He is the oldest kid in pre-K by at least 3 weeks. we tour the schools around the area in October, debating between public and private. I don't think SWMBO knows how much private is in the area, I have a vague idea, but its one of those things if you have to ask, you can't afford it.

Miz2 just turned 2, but acts 5. He is our biggest challenge because he loves to "help". God bless him for at least putting forth the effort, but I don't know how many times he just about pulled a cutting board on his head.
The magic date in IL is Sept 1st. Minisnick has early october birthday so he will almost 6 when starts kindergarten. he will be the eldest of his friends in class. But not the pre-k, about half are second yr pre-kers

It's Sept 1st here as well, which means both mini-ble's will be one of the youngest in their classes. Mini-ble1 will turn 5 on August 15 and start school the following week. Mini-ble2 will be 5 in July prior to starting school in August.

Miz2 just turned 2, but acts 5. He is our biggest challenge because he loves to "help". God bless him for at least putting forth the effort, but I don't know how many times he just about pulled a cutting board on his head.
if it makes you feel any better when I was a toddler I pulled on the cord of the hot iron my mom was using and it fell on the right light you can still see a tiny scar from the tip of the iron.

When I was about 6 or 7 I was wanting to help my dad build the sandbox he was working on...I was standing literally right behind where he was kneeling and with the back up swing of the hammer I took the the crow bar end of the hammer to the eye brow. No stitches but it left a bald spot in the eye brow

just giving some perspective...a cutting board to head..assuming someone was holding the knife and it wasn't on the board...isn't that bad.

Miz1 is starting pre-K and is loving it. His birthday is late August, so he gets held back a year. He is the oldest kid in pre-K by at least 3 weeks. we tour the schools around the area in October, debating between public and private. I don't think SWMBO knows how much private is in the area, I have a vague idea, but its one of those things if you have to ask, you can't afford it.

Miz2 just turned 2, but acts 5. He is our biggest challenge because he loves to "help". God bless him for at least putting forth the effort, but I don't know how many times he just about pulled a cutting board on his head.
The magic date in IL is Sept 1st. Minisnick has early october birthday so he will almost 6 when starts kindergarten. he will be the eldest of his friends in class. But not the pre-k, about half are second yr pre-kers

It's Sept 1st here as well, which means both mini-ble's will be one of the youngest in their classes. Mini-ble1 will turn 5 on August 15 and start school the following week. Mini-ble2 will be 5 in July prior to starting school in August.

Nuts, I just found out CA will be transitioning to a September 1 cutoff too. BabyYMZ's birthday is 9/9. :shakehead:

Miz1 is starting pre-K and is loving it. His birthday is late August, so he gets held back a year. He is the oldest kid in pre-K by at least 3 weeks. we tour the schools around the area in October, debating between public and private. I don't think SWMBO knows how much private is in the area, I have a vague idea, but its one of those things if you have to ask, you can't afford it.

Miz2 just turned 2, but acts 5. He is our biggest challenge because he loves to "help". God bless him for at least putting forth the effort, but I don't know how many times he just about pulled a cutting board on his head.
The magic date in IL is Sept 1st. Minisnick has early october birthday so he will almost 6 when starts kindergarten. he will be the eldest of his friends in class. But not the pre-k, about half are second yr pre-kers

It's Sept 1st here as well, which means both mini-ble's will be one of the youngest in their classes. Mini-ble1 will turn 5 on August 15 and start school the following week. Mini-ble2 will be 5 in July prior to starting school in August.

Nuts, I just found out CA will be transitioning to a September 1 cutoff too. BabyYMZ's birthday is 9/9. :shakehead:
My Bday is 9/6. It was actually pretty cool being the oldest one in my class.

I was the oldest in all my classes, my bday is 8/31. Not sure what the cutoff date was when I went to school but I know my parents had a choice to either have me be the youngest or oldest, glad they picked older.

Miz1 is starting pre-K and is loving it. His birthday is late August, so he gets held back a year. He is the oldest kid in pre-K by at least 3 weeks. we tour the schools around the area in October, debating between public and private. I don't think SWMBO knows how much private is in the area, I have a vague idea, but its one of those things if you have to ask, you can't afford it.

Miz2 just turned 2, but acts 5. He is our biggest challenge because he loves to "help". God bless him for at least putting forth the effort, but I don't know how many times he just about pulled a cutting board on his head.
The magic date in IL is Sept 1st. Minisnick has early october birthday so he will almost 6 when starts kindergarten. he will be the eldest of his friends in class. But not the pre-k, about half are second yr pre-kers

It's Sept 1st here as well, which means both mini-ble's will be one of the youngest in their classes. Mini-ble1 will turn 5 on August 15 and start school the following week. Mini-ble2 will be 5 in July prior to starting school in August.

Nuts, I just found out CA will be transitioning to a September 1 cutoff too. BabyYMZ's birthday is 9/9. :shakehead:
My Bday is 9/6. It was actually pretty cool being the oldest one in my class.

Why, because you were always the tallest and oldest-looking?


Seriously though, others have told me it's better to hold them back a year than to send them in too early. I guess I can suck up another year of tuition for my kids' best interests.

^ my bday is 9/3 they changed the cut off date shortly after i started school so I was the youngest....I turned out just fine

^ my bday is 9/3 they changed the cut off date shortly after i started school so I was the youngest....I turned out just fine

My birthday is in mid-October and I started school at 4 somehow. My parents did end up holding me back in the 5th grade, mainly because we were moving, but I would have been fine if they hadn't.

At mini-ble1's 4 year checkup his doctor told us that since he's 90+ percentile for height and weight, his teachers in school will think that he's older than he is and a lot of times that leads to "behavior problems" that aren't really behavior problems when you consider his age.

My birthday is mid-November and I was one of the oldest in my class. A good friend in my class was more than a year younger than me, which was a bit weird (I think our cutoff date was 11/30). It was kind of cool being among the first to be able to drive.

My son's birthday is December 22. Seems to put him in the middle of the pack for age.

As of this morning, he is officially a third-grader.

so glad minisnick and his best buddy did NOT get in the same Pre-K class....otheriwse I'd likely have already been called by the teacher for bad behavior. FOund out this morning his buddy got in big trouble this first week of school. Evidently he talked back to the teacher when she told him to pick up the toys and instigates the other kids to chase him around the classroom.

11/11 here, and they started me early. Was always 2nd or 3rd youngest in my class (always an odd late November/December b-day in the mix). Almost wish they'd kept me back a year, feel like it would have made life a little easier in high school and beginning of college.
