Exactly, nothing good ever came from the Prevent defense.Maybe a man who needs a 4th quarter time out is just the ticket for fudgey's date. And "going into overtime", well, how can that be bad???
No way! He already said she was a big Bears fan. She'd probably be pissed at missing the game. If I tried to drag my mrs. out during a Seahawks game she smack me silly.Tell her that you know the mall won't be crowded since everyone will be watching the game, and you would like her to help you pick out your new J CREW sweater.
What a great idea! Isnt hot sauce supposed to be an aphrodesiac? You know i'd love to wrangle a Spicey Stanley out of the deal.Try wings- then you can lick the sauce off of each other's fingers
Oh crap- I didn't mean he should MAKE it- just get it in the containers and dump it into a new bowl. They sell it by the vat at Sam's- just remember it's made out of BEANS.I second the idea for hummus and pita as a refreshing and unique game-time snack. Let the hummus age out in your car for at least 24 hours before you serve it (the longer the better). Make sure to serve ample quantities and sprinkle just a hint of cayenne on the top for flavor.
You know what's really good with that is a few pints (each) of Sam Smith Oatmeal Stout.
You could also try a variation of hummus using black beans instead of garbanzo's, lime in place of lemon, and extra garlic in place of tahini. Again, ample quantities of beans and a few dark beers should work out really well for you.