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Maybe he is in the hospital, dehydrated from the bug he had. Or, maybe he got well and had his date and ate the food he fixed and got food poisoning and is in the hospital, dehydrated....

It's called Fudge De-watering, and its a big business.

Throw some lime on him, and call him Class A

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I am not sure I can take the suspense ....


is dewatered, composted Fudgey that humate stuff we spray on the grass seed? it smells bad but man does it work!

I've heard of showmanship but this is :BS:

Come on Fudgey! lay it on us!

YIKES! You can't be that familiar with many of Fudgey's other stories. I am quite sure I do NOT want Fudgey laying anything on me. ;)
The best part of Fudgey's stories are the "thank God it didn't happen to me" factor - that's what keeps me coming back. :popcorn:

However, a few facets of Fudgey's life have closely mirrored mine (emergency blowouts in public, etc.) - and I also have a brother-in-law who is likely Fudgey's long-lost twin.

So, thanks for the concern, but I am well aware of what I may be getting into... :poop:

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Hey everybody thanks for thinking of me. I had no idea how many people here hinge on my social life. It's nice to have a fan club and I appreciate the support. I was in meetings all day yesterday so I couldn't really get a chance to respond.

My stomach was feeling better mostly by then. I medicated myself up pretty well so I bottled up like a running play gone wrong. Better to be safe than sorry. I did let out a throaty belch at one point though to test the waters, which got me a mixed reaction. Better ease into this.

The Bears lost but that was about the only bad part of the day. Things didn't quite go as expected. I figured we would toss back a few beers and by halftime I'd show her the old wishbone offense if you catch my drift. I didn't get to make any plays on her tight end, but I had a really good time and got the sense that this might be going somewhere.

By the time the third quarter rolled around, we had pretty much tuned out the game and were having some of that deep, 'meaning of life' sort of talk. What do you think of this? How do you feel about that? Where do you see your life, career, etc stuff going...That kinda thing.

The Fudgeman never has those kind of talks. The few dates I've had over the years have generally ended with a lukewarm 'let's get together sometime...' that never went anywhere after that. This just clicked the other night, it's tough to explain. She is going off to her brother's for Thanksgiving, but after that I really want to invite her to the company party or at least hang out with my boys. That's fair right? It's not too soon is it? I hope she likes my buddies though because they are quite a bit wilder than me. Harmless, but kinda goofy at times. Not much in the action department this week but I did get a thorough tonsil cleansing. We'll see what happens in a coulple weeks after the holiday. I'd rather not have to wait 2 weeks to hang out again.


Sounds like all is going well.

It's so fun to hear to guy side of these things- I really thought only chicks talked about this stuff.

I am glad that things have turned out to your liking fudgey!! :thumbs: Life is full of unexpected moments - make the most of them my friend!! :bananalama:


So you're thinking this may have potential to go into the Christmas holidays?

That adds huge pressure, because then you must figure out if the relationship;

A. is it a relationship

B. is it the type of relationship that warrants a Christmas gift

C. if so, what type of gift. Romantic? Useful? Neutral? etc. etc.

D. Do you gift each other, but no visits to family yet?

E. Do you go to her family gathering?

F. Do you invite her to your family gathering?

This could get very interesting............

She is going off to her brother's for Thanksgiving, but after that I really want to invite her to the company party or at least hang out with my boys. That's fair right? It's not too soon is it? I hope she likes my buddies though because they are quite a bit wilder than me. Harmless, but kinda goofy at times. Not much in the action department this week but I did get a thorough tonsil cleansing. We'll see what happens in a coulple weeks after the holiday. I'd rather not have to wait 2 weeks to hang out again.
Fudgey, things are right where you want them - and if I may quote the timeless words of my favorite sage,

.... Consummation will come shortly after thanksgiving - after her (or your) office Christmas party. Its a done deal.
After the break, you've got a chance to invite her to a casual happy hour / early evening drinking with the buddies. It is critical she sees this side of things. Then there's the company Christmas party.

As someone has already alluded, you are entering into the "new girlfriend at Christmas" danger zone - only slightly more stressful than the "new girlfriend at Valentines Day" danger zone. No worries, though - you can get something thoughtful and it will go a long way - without screaming romance. I recommend a vintage structural toy, like 1970's era Girder and Panels off of eBay:


Well, maybe not for her - but feel free to get one for me. I would really like one, but my wife does not get the hint.

I am starting a thread right now for "best engineering toys"

as always, good luck


Well, maybe not for her - but feel free to get one for me. I would really like one, but my wife does not get the hint.

I am starting a thread right now for "best engineering toys"

as always, good luck


I had a set of those! Played with them until the corner peices in the uprights broke.

As a construction toy, only my set of wooden blocks was better!
