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^ My kidneys, they stole my kidneys!

Actually Friday was a lovely evening. I have been super busy all day and have not had the chance to post about our little encounter. Dinner went well, I've made ziti enough times I could do it in my sleep so it wasn't like I was slaving over something and couldn't chat while I was at it.

The only problems were that I kept having to ask her where stuff was so I felt like a bit of a nag after a while. Plus I made a little more of a mess than I was hoping for. Between the sauce and the pasta and the filling you use a lot of dishes. And I had to be careful not to get stuff on me because I was wearing a nice shirt and tend to get stuff on me when I cook. I also took the advice someone said last week and brought along some pastries from a bakery for dessert.

The dinner itself turned out well and we had a nice time making/eating it but I really had to struggle after a while to keep coming up with interesting conversation without resorting to shop talk and other sordid tales. I knew I was in pretty good though because she gave me a little goose at one point when I was cleaning stuff up. :th_rockon: I figured she was feeling either a little silly, a little frisky, or a little tipsy. I really hoped it was all 3 at once. I was even able to cover up a rather ill advised but well needed fart at one point by timely clanging 2 pots together at the moment of truth. :plusone: Fates were smiling upon me this night.

We then set out to rent ourselves a flick. We settled on Knocked Up. (I secretly wanted Saturday Night Beaver, but kept it to myself.) You know this wasn't a bad movie. There are lots of gratuitous ****s and the guys' idea for a website is a good one. Given the plot of the movie though, I think it may have backfired on me as far as my chances of showing her Fudge Jr. Regardless, there was a bit of making out along with the occasional grope or two. All clothed but moving in the right direction. Even got snuggly under a blanket later in the movie.

Next weekend - we plan to hang out and watch the Bears game. Hopefully I can show her my secret lair. Is a halftime quickie out of the question?

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Fudgey my boy, sounds like things are progressing nicely.

Knocked Up was a tad risky so early in the relationship. I like to avoid movies with unwanted pregnancy, wedding prep, or the holocaust until at least date 5

That being said, now you've got the football game date - which can be a bit dicey. People vary greatly in the way they watch a football game. Think seinfeld when puddy wore face and body paint to the hockey game.

Snacks and beer are imperative - but due to the regional nature of football I'm not sure what to suggest - I suppose in your neck of the woods it is Old Style and some grilled brats.

Too soon and too mid-day for the halftime quickie. Consummation will come shortly after thanksgiving - after her (or your) office Christmas party. Its a done deal.

They're playing in Seattle next week, which means late start. You're gonna need something more than just chips and salsa. You may want to grab a pizza or some takeout at halftime. And remember, women are usually gonna be more self conscious about pigging out on junk food than guys. Make sure you have something around that isn't a heart attack in a bag.

That being said, now you've got the football game date - which can be a bit dicey. People vary greatly in the way they watch a football game. Think seinfeld when puddy wore face and body paint to the hockey game.
Yeah, commisserating over a bad call is a great way to bond. But don't get too overboard. I know Rex is your QB so it won't be easy. Don't scream at the TV, and unless she's a real sports buff, don't get into a graduate level treatise on why the 4-3 defense is the best defense for the slot left formation.

Fudgey, you have worked too hard to settle for a "halftime quickie". You have a reputation to live up to now. You'll have to maintain your civilized personality. It might even grow on you. You're starting to sound like a very smooth date.

^^Yeah. By now, she probably derves the fourth quarter time outs, perhaps even moving into overtime.

You guys should give Fudgey more credit. His manhood is being insulted. Really!! 4th quarter time out or 2-minute warning???!!?

Maybe you're assuming too much about what I mean, maryannette!

Maybe a man who needs a 4th quarter time out is just the ticket for fudgey's date. And "going into overtime", well, how can that be bad???

And with fudgey, a 2 minute warning is probably advisable for a number of reasons.
