^ My kidneys, they stole my kidneys!
Actually Friday was a lovely evening. I have been super busy all day and have not had the chance to post about our little encounter. Dinner went well, I've made ziti enough times I could do it in my sleep so it wasn't like I was slaving over something and couldn't chat while I was at it.
The only problems were that I kept having to ask her where stuff was so I felt like a bit of a nag after a while. Plus I made a little more of a mess than I was hoping for. Between the sauce and the pasta and the filling you use a lot of dishes. And I had to be careful not to get stuff on me because I was wearing a nice shirt and tend to get stuff on me when I cook. I also took the advice someone said last week and brought along some pastries from a bakery for dessert.
The dinner itself turned out well and we had a nice time making/eating it but I really had to struggle after a while to keep coming up with interesting conversation without resorting to shop talk and other sordid tales. I knew I was in pretty good though because she gave me a little goose at one point when I was cleaning stuff up. :th_rockon: I figured she was feeling either a little silly, a little frisky, or a little tipsy. I really hoped it was all 3 at once. I was even able to cover up a rather ill advised but well needed fart at one point by timely clanging 2 pots together at the moment of truth.

lusone: Fates were smiling upon me this night.
We then set out to rent ourselves a flick. We settled on Knocked Up. (I secretly wanted Saturday Night Beaver, but kept it to myself.) You know this wasn't a bad movie. There are lots of gratuitous ****s and the guys' idea for a website is a good one. Given the plot of the movie though, I think it may have backfired on me as far as my chances of showing her Fudge Jr. Regardless, there was a bit of making out along with the occasional grope or two. All clothed but moving in the right direction. Even got snuggly under a blanket later in the movie.
Next weekend - we plan to hang out and watch the Bears game. Hopefully I can show her my secret lair. Is a halftime quickie out of the question?