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Fudgey, if you're making red sauce, you can start it in a slow cooker (if you have one) in the morning. When the sauce cooks all day, it has a better flavor. Go easy on the garlic, or eliminate it. You want to save the garlic breath for a later time.

Go easy on the garlic, or eliminate it.
Oh .. I must respectfually disagree with you on this point Maryannette! Garlic is the MOST sensuous part of a good speghetti (red) sauce. If you have a little skill fudgey, I HIGHLY recommend roasted garlic cloves intermixed in the sauce to go with your ziti. This adds some serious *BANG* to your ziti and makes it a meal worth talking about. Otherwise, it is just another pasta dish IMHO.

If you are concerned about garlic breath, there are some very nice products on the market to help mask the potentially offending odor. For me though, garlic is a very sensuous smell so I would say set your gauge to full speed ahead. But then again, that is me. :happy:

Good luck fudgey - let us know how it goes! :winko:


damn, it's only the second date. I ralize that it's an important step, but he's not proposing or anything....am I right about, right Fudgey??? :blink:

I'd leave the hard recipe stuff in your back pocket until things shake out the way you want....

Oh .. I must respectfually disagree with you on this point Maryannette! Garlic is the MOST sensuous part of a good speghetti (red) sauce. If you have a little skill fudgey, I HIGHLY recommend roasted garlic cloves intermixed in the sauce to go with your ziti. This adds some serious *BANG* to your ziti and makes it a meal worth talking about. Otherwise, it is just another pasta dish IMHO.
If you are concerned about garlic breath, there are some very nice products on the market to help mask the potentially offending odor. For me though, garlic is a very sensuous smell so I would say set your gauge to full speed ahead. But then again, that is me. :happy:

Good luck fudgey - let us know how it goes! :winko:


You've officially used your quota for the word sensuous. That is all.

I'd leave the hard recipe stuff in your back pocket until things shake out the way you want....
Ziti and salad doesn't exactly seem like a big culinary undertaking.

If he was serving foie gras imported from France and some $50/lb truffles I'd be more worried.

^^^Exactly. You want to make something that will not mean you are working over a stove the entire time. Ziti or Lasagna will need time to bake which will give you some time to sit, have a drink, and chat prior to eating - but it will give you time to show off your culinary talents in the kitchen putting it all together.

All of this coming from me - a guy who used to cook for my FD in college - 20 hungry firemen on a Sunday night = a lot of pasta. My wife calls what I do survival cooking, but I am amazing when I cook outdoors.


My wife calls what I do survival cooking, but I am amazing when I cook outdoors.
My wife did a lot of camping growing up. She can make a slow, hot fire good for cooking and then cook up the juiciest chicken breasts or burgers. Me on the other hand - I get this out of control blaze going so I get one piece charred like a hockey puck while the other is still pink on the inside.

Well I picked up my groceries last night and have them in the fridge at the office. Between the food and the extra aqua velva I put on this morning, folks here know something's up. :thumbs:

I am going to follow the suggestion of renting a movie afterwards so I don't pick a loser of a title or something she saw recently. It's a good idea. Though I'm torn between going to Blockbuster vs. taking her to the grimy little video with the large porno section. You know, just in case she wants to roll like that later.

Come on fudgey ... check in with us!

Don't tell us your date ended up like this ......


