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I just hope he was polite to her and that the you-know-what didn't hit the fan!

Anyways, it is too early in the morning to start razzing him!! Give him some time to get us a report :)


IT'S TIME FOR THE REPORT!!!! Good or bad, Fudgey, we can't stand the suspense. (I may regret this later.)

The lack of an updated may be because:

1) He is still on recovery after a heck of a night...yeah...that good

2) It went horrible and he does not want to talk about that.

Knowing the Fudgemaster I know he did great. In Fudgey I trust.....

I am very concerned about Fudgey now. What if the girl he dated was with one of these "organs trafficants" bands? He might be on a bath tub full of ice without his kedneys or something worst.

What if she liked him so much and decided to kept Fudgey's best as a souvenir?

What if he is on a pool of fudge right now?

Fudgey....where are youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu?

No news = good news? Maybe when looking for bills, etc. but not for this. I have a bad feeling about this weekend.

Prove me wrong, Fudgey


Well guys it went great! It was a little awkward and quiet at first, but there was a game on at the bar so we could at least make a little small talk about that. I took your advice and talked about the Bears and HAlloween too. A couple drinks loosened things up and we got more comfortable with each other after that. We managed to find stuff to talk about without having to resort to shop talk. Which is good because she's structural and that stuff scares me. (Though she could help me out with the structural AM questions if I'm lucky.)

Then we went to dinner, which was also really good. I even managed not to get any on me or do anything dumb. I was having a really good time by this point and I think she was into me. After dinner we went to one of those Fun Land type places with the arcade and other games. We played mini-golf (I won!) and bumper cars. The bumper cars made dinner bounce around a bit but other than a couple toots I could easily blame on another driver, I was ok.

I eventually brought her back to the bar where she left her car. I really wanted to pork her right then and there, but I opted for a friendly hug and peck on the cheek I really wish I could do over. All in all, excellent evening. Definitely looks like there will be a date #2.

Sounds like a well-executed evening! WTG fudgey!! :plusone:

Any plans for the second dates? Did you get any inside scoop for what she likes to do recreationally?


Fudgey, your IN man. I took my wife to one of those fun land places on our first date and look where it got me! She said it was a great idea for a first date and was very impressed.

Good job man!

I'm just glad that you didn't talk doing a #2 or something with her.

We played mini-golf (I won!)
Dude, this may have been a mistake. Hopefully it was close and you were "aw shucks" about it - My wife still hasn't gotten over being down 13 strokes at the turn, heading into the windmill hole.

SO......When's the second date? It should be easier this time around. I found that very shortly you discover if it's going to work, then "What to do" just becomes more of a coordinated item, and not so much pressure on you to entertain her.....

BTW, I would certainly NEVER tell her about this site!!!! If she reads some of the things posted in this column alone, it MIGHT be hard to recover from.

Keep us posted! I was excited for you!

BTW, I would certainly NEVER tell her about this site!!!! If she reads some of the things posted in this column alone, it MIGHT be hard to recover from.
I wholeheartedly agree. As a fellow engineer I'm sure she has a great sense of humor and can appreciate things like 'butt fusion' and 'erection diagrams'. But ease her into the other stuff slowly...

Good job Fudgey... you'll have to keep us posted on how things develop.

Next time though, lose but make it close when you play mini-golf... and make a friendly wager (like loser buys the winner another drink, etc.)

I'm gonna see if she wants to get together Friday after work for a beer. I'd like to make dinner for her but feel odd about asking her over to my place so soon.


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