I Got 999 First World Problems

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I have to drive the family somewhere for spring break since the plane is down for some unscheduled maintenance.

I wasn't able to carpool with Mrs Dex like I normally do, and instead had to drive my Camaro in the snow.

The only time I get vowels in Words with Friends is when all 7 letters are vowels...

My hair dryer broke, and I couldn't find a new one with all of the options that I wanted plus the auto-winding cord-keeper.

I ran out of home heating oil, had to go buy 10 gals of diesel and re-prime my furnace

I can't open the Game of Thrones thread because I haven't seen this week's episode yet (was going to go to a neighbor's house to watch, but his kids were sick).

Neighbors DVR'd it and are waiting to watch it with us later this week, but I'd certainly like a digital copy to go with season's 1-3...

My 8 gb memory card on my phone is full and I need to buy a larger one.

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