I Got 999 First World Problems

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My neighbors kid won't be home to shovel my driveway today.

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My mp3 player doesn't play well with the audio system in my truck. Had to switch to a thumb drive.

having problems with eb.com quote function.

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BTW, the Kennel got a new roof this weekend. F-er isn't getting out anymore...
mine is a friggin magician. He has escaped from a bound cage very much like this one without even opening the door:


I now have a half dozen master locks at each corner of the thing and have it weighted down because he also figured out that he can slide the plastic pan out and then move it by walking it around.

I have 63 vacation hours to be used and cannot since the other engineer, my partner/counter part already booked the last two weeks of the year and one of us has to stay available.

^^^ I made mine out of plywood and 2x4's built on top of a pallate. It was originally open across the top, but the f-er learned how to jump. So then I extended the sides up another foot (now 4' tall). He still got out. Then I put a roof over the only side he could climb out of. He still got out. This weekend, I fully enclosed the SOB.

That's crazy. I came home one day and found mine out of his (normally) locked crate. He learned how to push on the corner connections and then squeeze himself out. Then I zip-tied the corners shut; he chewed through them and again got out. Then I master-locked them. He attempted to get out by chewing through the locks. serious bite marks through the lock but he never got out. He's a 50-60 lb black lab. I have no clue how he didn't scalp himself. His plan B was to slide the pan out and walk the thing around and in the process pi$$ and $h!t and walk through it. Do you know how fun that is to clean out of the crate wires?

Our last dog was in one of those wire crates inside the house. She learned how to projectile $hit all over the wall...
