I Got 999 First World Problems

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in my corner office, during the winter time, there is a glare on my dual 26" in monitors from the snow-covered landscaped

I had to reset my router last night so my laptop, ipad , phone, smart TV and PS3 could all pull WiFi at the same time.

I was thinking about taking the insert out, but learned that it was not rated to be a primary source of heat so

I can't build big fires in it.

my cube is close to the printer.
Mine is in the same situation, except our printer doubles as a scanner and fax machine, and the nuber for our fax somehow got onto those spam call-lists. We get 1-2 calls a day where it's 15 seconds of dial-up scratching followed by the "off the hook" buzzer.

I was thinking about taking the insert out, but learned that it was not rated to be a primary source of heat so

I can't build big fires in it.
I was told by my chimney guy that big and hot is much better for the inside of your chimney. Burns off most of the things that stick to the inside of the chimney. Also, big and hot induces a better draft so particles aren't hanging around inside the chimney.
