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If anything I would be worried about Palin's experience, or maybe whether she did something crooked in that "Troopergate" thing. But as the father of a teenager I can attest to the fact that they don't always do what you say or teach.
That's exactly how I feel. I could give a **** whether or not her teenage daughter has gotten herself pregnant. Mrs. Palin didn't get her pregnant, and ferchristssake, she's a sitting Governor! Of course she's a little busier than your average Mom (or Dad). Cut her some slack!

On the other hand, if what she did in "Troopergate" is what they are alleging, then she and McCain automatically lose my (theoretical) vote. Using your position to get someone fired over personal grudges is the very definition of abuse of power and corruption. I live with that kind of **** here in America's third world, but there's no excuse for that kind of **** from a VP candidate.

2. One of the most embarrassing moments of my teenage years involved my mom saying to my date as we were heading out the door, "And hey, keep your penis out of my daughter."
I'm forwarding this to my sister so she can use it on her daughter's dates.

One of the most embarrassing moments of my teenage years involved my mom saying to my date as we were heading out the door, "And hey, keep your penis out of my daughter."
Did we ever go out? I think I remember hearing that. LOL

By the way, The she gave an excellent speech last night; and I'll go ahead and say it: She looked stunning. Not Victoria's Secert sexy; but like an attractive, confident woman who was comfortable being attactive and in the spotlight. A welcome change from Hillary and her gender-neutral pantsuit collection.


PS - It is also nice to have someone like her to set a positive example for my teenage daughter.

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I didn't see/hear the whole speech but they played some sound bites on the radio this morning.

After saying that she was just a regular "hockey mom" a few years ago, she said "What's the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull?....Lipstick."

I thought it was pretty funny.

Did we ever go out? I think I remember hearing that. LOL
My understanding of your virility seems to indicate I would have had a kid back then....


I think we've talked about this before but how women are treated differently then men. For instance, there is a big fuss right now about her having a child and needing to be home for her family, yet Obama's kids are not exactly old and on their own. When I talked about her earlier in this thread, I'm really not commenting about her from a personal point of view...I really am intrigued how the media has spun this entire election. I hate being put in boxes based on my gender, religion, region, etc. and that whatever group I'm associated with at the moment would be so easily swayed. We're a society that's fascinated with watching people fail and we're increasingly trying to be black and white on issues. If I'm Christian then I must be pro-life so I must be republican, but if I'm really "pro-life" then I would be against the death penalty, which is the democrats. It's not clean cut, but groups are trying to sway people on one issue. It's frustrating...

Speaking of a society fascinated with failing, I just noticed the countdown timer is up...

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She did give a really good speech. I was impressed.

I'm a lot less concerned about the possibility of President Palin than I am about the possibility of President Obama.

I thought she did a great job.

She threw some blows at the Dems too. She wasn't holding back, coming out of the gates swingin'

so I guess a hockey mom is a northern version of a soccer mom?

I was flipping back and forth between her and the new FX show about the "Sons Of Anarchy"

I think we've talked about this before but how women are treated differently then men. For instance, there is a big fuss right now about her having a child and needing to be home for her family, yet Obama's kids are not exactly old and on their own.
It's one more example of a double standard in society. If it was a male candidate with young children, including a kid with special needs, few would dare to call him a bad father for wanting to run for office.

The way I see it, Palin has a 19 year old (in the Army and no longer at home), a 17 year old who will be doing a lot of growing up and gaining independence in the next few months, a 14 year old, a 7 year old, and a baby. Essentially, she has three kids "at home" and Obama has two young kids. That's basically a wash in my book.

I liked Palin before, she's been on my radar for a while. I liked her speech last night (at least the bits I caught). I'm OK with McCain, but I think she brings a lot to the ticket.

Speaking of a society fascinated with failing, I just noticed the countdown timer is up...
Oh dear. A fabulous reminder of the FE, I just get to add one day to it!

I thought she did a great job.
She threw some blows at the Dems too. She wasn't holding back, coming out of the gates swingin'
I read a quote that the republicans have been bringing a knife to a gun fight for too long. Palin showed up with the moose gun.

By the way, The she gave an excellent speech last night; and I'll go ahead and say it: She looked stunning. Not Victoria's Secert sexy; but like an attractive, confident woman who was comfortable being attactive and in the spotlight. A welcome change from Hillary and her gender-neutral pantsuit collection.

PS - It is also nice to have someone like her to set a positive example for my teenage daughter.
Am I the only one who kept thinking about the Van Halen video for "Hot for Teacher?"

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On O'Reilly's FACTOR Obama just admitted the surge worked.

Obama just had a sit down with Bill O'Rielly . O'Rielly pushed him on the surge. Obama would not admit that Biden and him were wrong for not supporting the surge but he said the surge of troops in Iraq worked better than he could have ever imagined and that the violence is down.

I've been watching the McCain/Obama drama off and on, and I admit I know little about each.

But is Palin running for President or is McCain? Palin has gotten more face time since her selection than McCain. I think if they swapped spots she would overtake the race and beat out Obama. But then again, the Republican slate so far has been "change" which I really don't see happening with either mcCain or Obama.

Palins preggers daughter is a wash to me, at least the father is there with her.

I'll probably end up voting for Obama as I just can't get myself to like McCain for some reason. He just seems like a sneaky guy and that he is hiding something. I also doubt we see anything new from him in office other than more troops in Iraq and Afganistan, additional tax breaks for big oil, and maybe some work to try and help the economy.

Not saying Obama is going to be any better, i think there will be a big disconnect between him and the military and he will try to implement an exit strategy but will fail miserably and will fall back into the Bush/McCain ideology. His "gov't funded health care" will be a dead duck. Gas is $5/gal, milk is close to the same, people are losing homes due to crappy loans, I doubt people will want to have more taxes to cover health care for everyone.
