It has been a VERY interesting campaign season.I'm not a big fan of either candidate but this election season is a lot more interesting than I thought it would be.
...said John McCain about Hillary in October, 2007."If you put lipstick on a pig"
<---Based on your comments, putting a sock in it. Will stick to non-political threads.Boy, if you let them talk long enough, sooner-or-later one of them will say something incredibly stupid (context is irrelevant) - guess which party oughtta put a sock in it? the same one's been out of the whitehouse these last 8 years, soon to be 12.
<---Based on your comments, putting a sock in it. Will stick to non-political threads.
I watched a few snippits of Obama on O'Reily. I am not sure whey he chose to go on that venue but I felt it made him look like a flummoxed fool with respect to his tax plan.On O'Reilly's FACTOR Obama just admitted the surge worked.
Obama just had a sit down with Bill O'Rielly . O'Rielly pushed him on the surge. Obama would not admit that Biden and him were wrong for not supporting the surge but he said the surge of troops in Iraq worked better than he could have ever imagined and that the violence is down.
You know ... one thing I have heard much of from anyone is that the next president-elect will most likely be responsible for nominating not one, but two supreme court justices.I've been watching the McCain/Obama drama off and on, and I admit I know little about each.
But is Palin running for President or is McCain? Palin has gotten more face time since her selection than McCain. I think if they swapped spots she would overtake the race and beat out Obama. But then again, the Republican slate so far has been "change" which I really don't see happening with either mcCain or Obama.
Palins preggers daughter is a wash to me, at least the father is there with her.
I'll probably end up voting for Obama as I just can't get myself to like McCain for some reason. He just seems like a sneaky guy and that he is hiding something. I also doubt we see anything new from him in office other than more troops in Iraq and Afganistan, additional tax breaks for big oil, and maybe some work to try and help the economy.
Not saying Obama is going to be any better, i think there will be a big disconnect between him and the military and he will try to implement an exit strategy but will fail miserably and will fall back into the Bush/McCain ideology. His "gov't funded health care" will be a dead duck. Gas is $5/gal, milk is close to the same, people are losing homes due to crappy loans, I doubt people will want to have more taxes to cover health care for everyone.
I'm not accusing, just welcoming. I've been a closet Libertarian for a long time.I have been accused of being a libertarian (isn't that the guy that works at the place where they keep the books?)
But wait! There's more. . .That one's going right next to my She-Rah!